Volume 1 of 2
15 December 1965
c. U. S. Air Force Equipment Classification
d. "Used By" Status Designation. Certain items of
equipment are not assigned any of the equipment
System. The following terms are used by the U. S. Air
classifications defined in paragraphs a through c. These
Force to d e s c r i b e the status of its equipment.
certain items of equipment are designated as "Used By"
(1) Standard (Std).
An item that meets an
the particular service involved.
established need and is considered suitable for Air
Force use.
(2) Alternate standard (Alt Std). An item that may
not be so satisfactory as a standard item, but which is a
usable alternate for procurement in quantity in place of
Information in this publication is current as of the date
the standard item when the standard item cannot be
on the first page of each equipment description.
pro-cured in quantities to satisfy Air Force needs.
(3) Limited standard (Ltd Std). An item in stock that
is not as satisfactory as either standard or alternate
Space is provided for the insertion of data which was not
standard items but which is usable in place thereof.
available during the preparation of this publication.
Limited standard items may be used until stocks are
exhausted. Limited standard end items will not be pro-
Additional parts and components may be
procured when necessary to maintain the item in
Changes will be made as required to add information
serviceable condition.
about current equipment.
Reports of errors and
(4) Tentative standard (Tent Std). An item that
omissions should be submitted through depart-mental
appears promising enough operationally to warrant the
risk of initiating production of limited quantities prior to
the completion of development or prior to completion of
(5) Obsolete (Obs). An item that no longer meets
Air Force needs.
(6) Development (Dev). Any new or significantly
redesigned item undergoing development or testing and
which has not been re-leased as a satisfactory prototype
for procurement in quantity for limited or general Air For
c e use. This classification is not normally assigned to
commercial items or to items developed and tested by
other Govern-ment agencies when being considered for
use by the Air Force.