Volume 1
Section 1
15 December 1965
ion Centrals and transmits intelligence and command Input System Data
Crosstell Lines: Party-line basis
information to them. The Control Central exchanges
Number of Channels: 12
information with other Control Centrals, orders
conditions of alert for the division, disseminates defense
Length: 71 ms
warning to civilian and military agencies, implements
Word Bits: b5 (5 words serially interleaved)
Security Control of Air Traffic (SCAT) and Control of
Timing Bits: 6
Electromagnetic Radiation (CONELRAD) and presents
Synch Bits: 1
summary data to the next higher echelon. The function
Manual Data Input
of the air surveillance section at the Control Center is to
Reading Rate A: 12 cards, 80 rows per minute.
collect, display and disseminate all pertinent air-situation
Reading Rate B: 16 cards, 60 rows per minute.
information to permit adequate assessment of the extent
of hostile movements directed toward the division and of Central Computer Data
Permissible Error: One part in 32,76B
the actions being taken by the defense components.
The function of the weapons allocation section is the
Address Type: Single
efficient deployment of available weapons to each
Internal Operation: Binary
sector within the division to meet any hostile threat.
Operation Type: Parallel
Combat Control Central AN/FSQ-8 is a modified version
Arithmetical Operation: Dual
of the AN/FSQ-7 Combat Direction Central.
Word Length
AN/FSQ-8 is modified primarily in the sense that it has
Instruction Word: 32 bits
no provisions for radar inputs or ground-to-air outputs,
Data Words: 16 bits
its computing capacity is not as heavily committed as
Number of Commands: 159
the AN/FSQ-7. Therefore, the AN/FSQ-8 is able to
Number of Instructions: 48 divided Into B classes
assume additional activities as the need arises. The
Standard Pulse: 10 usec
various air defense functions performed by the AN/FSQ-
Clock Register Pulse: 31.25 ms
8 are controlled from punched cards or magnetic tapes.
Storage Data
By changing these instructions the mode of operations
Memory Devices: Non-Volatile (ferrite cores, magnetic
within the Combat Central can be altered without
changes in the structure of the electronic equipment. tape, punch cards)
Internal Storage: B192 words (ferrite cores)
The AN/FSQ-8 contains two digital computers, one
Auxiliary Storage: 153,000 words (magnetic tapes)
being termed as the active computer and the alternate
equipment is termed the standby computer. The active Display System Data
Situation Displays
computer monitors its own alarms and transfers a
Contents: Geographical picture of division movements
summary of defense information, as start over data, to
the standby computer. The transfer of start over data
Oscilloscope Size: 19 in. KRT
keeps the standby computer up-to-date on the air
Digital Displays
defense situation, thus facilitating a rapid switchover in
Contents: Weapons allocation statistics
the event of a failure of the active computer. The
Combat Central is housed in a building four stories high,
Oscilloscope Size: 5 in. KRT
150 feet square, which is shock-resistant, air-
conditioned and contamination proof. Two auxiliary Output System Data
Output Message Types
buildings are required to house the maintenance and
Crosstell Destination: Division-to-division level
primary power equipment.
Back-Tell Destination: Division-to-sector level
Forward-Tell Destination: Division-to-higher echelon
Similar to Combat Control Central AN/FSQ-8A
Ground-to-Ground Output
except that the AN/FSQ-8A Central Computer Group
Output Form: 70 ms bursts
will be transistorized.
Burst Contents: 17 bit half-words serially, interleaved 5
bits apart
General Data
Transmission Media: Telephone Lines
Input System: Crosstell and manual data
Teletypewriter Output
Central Computer: Mathematical and logic operations
Output Form: 500 ms
Display System: Situation and digital displays
Burst Contents: 3 successive TTY characters
Output System: Ground-to-ground and teletypewriter
Transmission Media: Telephone Lines
Power Requirement s: 120/208v ac, 60 cps, 3-ph
AN/FSQ-8: 2