Volume 1
Section 1
15 December 1965
Pulse Width: 1 to 5 usec
by the Radar Selector Group permit the selection of one
Rise Time: 30% of pulse width
of three equipment modes of operation.
RP Pulses: Reference pulses
(characteristics as defined)
Timing Data Transfer
Operating Power Requirements: 120/208v ac, 60 cps,
(These signals must exhibit the characteristics defined)
3 ph, 4-wire (floating neutral), 300 w 28v dc, 47 w
Polarity: Unipolar - positive
Amplitude: 35 plus or minus 15v (peak)
Equipment Compatibility
Rise Time: 0.3 usec (maximum)
Main I-F
Pulse Width: 0.5 to 5.0 usec
Bandwidth: plus or minus 3 mcps at 1 db below
Video Transfer Compatibility
peak amplitude
Processed video
RMS Noise Level: 500 mv
Signal Range: Linear at least 60 db above rms
Polarity: Unipolar - positive
Amplitude: 1v to 4v, clipped level
Characteristic Impedance: 50 ohms
RMS Noise: 0.25 to 0.75 of video clipped level
Coho I-F
Center Frequency: 30 plus or minus 0.025 mcps
Selective identification feature (SIF) video
at 1 db below peak amplitude
Polarity: Unipolar - positive
Amplitude: 0.1v peak-to-peak
Amplitude: 2.5 to Sv (peak)
Pulse Width: 10 usec
Pulse Width: O.4 to 0.6 usec
Characteristic Impedance: 50 ohms
Rise Time: 0.1 usec (maximum)
Modes of Operation
Characteristic Impedance: 72 ohms
(manual selection (remote capability))
Moving target indicator (MTI) video
Operational Mode: Normal radar i-f and coho i-f are
Polarity: Unipolar - positive
processed into system video and fed to the data
Amplitude: 2.5 to 5v (peak)
processing and display equipment.
Pulse Width: 0.1 to 0.6 usec
Simulation Mode: Simulated radar i-f and coho i-f
Rise Time: 0.1 usec (maximum)
signals are substituted for normal radar signals.
Simulated radar video is fed to the data
Main lobe indicator (MLI) video
processing and display equipment. Azimuth
Polarity: Unipolar - positive
reference signals can be selected from radar or
Amplitude: 2.5 to 5v (peak)
Pulse Width: 0.4 to 0.6 usec
Operational and Limited Simulation Mode: Normal
Rise Time: 0.1 usec (maximum)
radar i-f and coho i-f are processed into system
video and fed to the data processing and display
equipment. Additional simulated videos may be
Siting: The Selector Cabinet must be located near
selected and mixed with real target video for
Electrical Filter Assembly F-585/GPA-73(V) and
presentation by the data processing and display
Radar Signal Simulators AN/GPS-TB and
AN/GPS-T6 in order to restrict the length of
Positional Data Transfer
cabling required to interconnect these units.
Cabling Requirements: Power and signal cables
Reference Signal: 120v dc, 60 cps, 1, 2-wire (1
must be separated by a distance of at least 1B
and 36 speeds)
inches. Cable crossing should be avoided;
Stator Signals (2): AM modulated 0-90v ac, 60
however, when necessary, cables must cross at
cps, balanced connections, 3-wire (1 and 36
right angles. Additional power and signal cables
required to complete the Radar Selector Group
Digital Signals
installation must be fabricated at the site from
ACP Pulses: Azimuth change pulses
bulk cable stock.
Polarity: Unipolar - positive
Amplitude: 35 plus or minus 15v (peak)
AN/GPA-112(V): 2