Volume 1
Section 3
15 December 1965
Trans-On: 3072 va
range indicator located in the Combat Information Center.
Synchro Excitation: 115v, 60 cyc, 1-ph
This unit together with the PPI unit compose the central
600 va and 115 va
control station of the equipment.
Synchronizing and Transmitting Systems
Repetition Rate: 600 pps, adjustable
into a narrow beam by the radar antenna and radiated
plus or minus 30 pps
toward the area being searched. Radar targets in the area
Pulse Width: 0.5 usec
reflect a minute amount of RF energy (echoes) back to the
Pulse Shape: Rectangular
antenna. These echoes are amplified and detected by the
Frequency: 8740 to 8890 mc
receiver. The target echoes appear as bright spots on the
Magnetron Stability: plus or minus 45 mc
PPI screen; distance from the center of the screen
Peak RF Power: 75 to 100 kw
represents target range and the angular position of the
Duty Cycle: 0.03%
target represents it's bearing.
Average Power: 22.5 to 30w
The "area search" type of operation just described
RF Lines RG-51/U: Waveguide
generally is performed with the submarine surfaced and
VSWR: 1.1:1 max
using the raised radar antenna. Another tactical use of the
Radar Antenna
radar is "target track" operation in which the submarine is
Horizontal Beamwisth: 2.60
submerged and the "ST" (periscope) antenna is used to
Vertical Beamwidth: 16
avoid detection. Range of target within 20 miles can be
Antenna Gain: 29.3 db
measured precisely and is automatically applied to the
ship's torpedo data computer, target bearing is obtained
Sidelobes: 23 db down (one way) at 6
by optically tracking the target with periscope.
ea side all others over 25 db down
ST (Periscope) Antenna
operation with another similarly equipped station. During
Horizontal Beamwidth: 30
this type of operation, the radar functions just as in search
Vertical Beamwidth: 10
operation except that the radar antenna is pointed at
Antenna Gain: 14 db
second station and the operator controls the radar
transmissions with a telegraph key. A headset is used to
Horizontal: 16 db down at 60 ea side
aurally monitor the transmissions. The operator sends
Vertical: 14 db down at 20 ea side
messages in international Morse Code for other similar
Receiving System
systems by operating the key.
Antenna Coupling: Duplex converter, TR
Other conventional features of the radar set are
and ATR tube detector
automatic frequency control of the 60 mc intermediate
frequency, sensitivity time control of receiver sensitivity,
First Detector: Crystal, type 1N23B
and anti-jam to suppress extraneous signals.
Second Detector: Electron, tube type 6AL5
IF. Frequency: 60 mc
Radar Set AN/BPS-11 is a modernized version of
Video Bandpass: 3.5 mc at 3 db down point
Radar Sets SS-1, SV-1, AN/BPS-1, AN/BPS-4, and
AN/BPS-9A. Radar Set AN/BPS11 is similar to Radar Set
Noise Figure: 17 db
AN/BPS-5 except for differences in antenna drive
Frequency Control: Manual and AFC
configurations. These differences exist because of the
Gain Control: Manual, STC, FTC, and AGC
intended installation of each radar.
Pre-IF. Bandwidth: 3.5 to 4 mc at 3 db down point
Indicating System
Over-All Systems
Range Indicator
Maximum Range: 160, 000 yds (80 mi)
Display Size: 5 in.
Minimum Range: 200 yds
Presentation: Type A
Bearing Accuracy: plus or minus 0.25
Sweep Ranges: O to 4, 10, and 20 mi
Range Accuracy
Sweeps: Normal-A sweep with range
0 to 60, 000 Yds: 25 yds plus or min-
step expanded-1000 yds after range step
us 0.1% of measured range
Range Readout: Counters in yds and
60, 000 to 160, 000 yds: plus or minus
mi min increment of yds counter-100
2% of measured range
yds min increment of mi counter-0.1 mi
Power Requirements
General Power: 115v, 60 cyc, 1-ph
2000, 72, 000 & 1, 296, 00 yds revolution
Standby: 1852 va
Operate: 2367 va
AN/BPS-11: 2