Volume 1
Section 3
15 December 1965
Control Data: May be adjusted to cause the shell to
Additional signals simulate sea-return, jamming, and
miss the target by any desired amount up to
shells. Range, bearing, and elevation of the three
plus or minus 1.5 deg in bearing and elevation
targets are controlled by signals recorded on a film.
and plus or minus 1000 yards in range.
Range and bearing of the escort ships, bearing and
Land-Sea-Return Generator and Land-Sea-
attitude of the land mass, and type and origin of
Return Auxiliary
jamming signals are also controlled entirely by the
Operational Data: Returns are generated using scale
models to obtain realistic echoes.
Land Range:
Set at 10,000 yds.
Bearing is
controlled by signals from the film. Land
attitude is also controlled by the film to make
it appear as though the ship were sailing a
circular course around an island.
Error Recorders
Operational Data: Error meters provide permanent
records of the student1s proficiency in
Number of Channels: 13 (10 channels are only used).
tracking targets. Separate records are made
Signal Data
for errors in range, bearing and elevation.
Number of Signals: 3
Range: Measures errors up to plus or minus 500 yds
Type: Target Range controlled by variable
and records these on a moving paper strip.
Errors in excess of plus or minus 800 yds
5000 cps; Bearing and Elevation are
cause max deflection of the error meter in the
controlled by 400 cycle signals; Jamming type
proper direction to indicate whether radar
and origin are controlled by coded
range is greater or less than actual target
interruptions of a 3500 cycle signal.
Output Level: 20 my
Instructors Console
Operational Data: Console contains a PPI repeater
Timing Generator
which permits the instructor to see all targets
Power Supply Data
simultaneously and to designate one to the
Quantity: 2
student operators.
Control Data: Gain controls for all targets; spotting
controls in range; bearing, and elevation for
shells; identification switches to permit
Quantity: 2
identifying any particular target on the PPI
Type: 2000 cycle for range synchronization; 400
scope. Tally lights notify which target is being
cycle for bearing and elevation test.
jammed and nature of jamming.
Target Generators (3)
Gun Director Repeater
Power Supply Data
Operational Data: Repeater consists largely of servo
Quantity: 2
systems which repeat the director orders of
the radar equipment. Servo systems position
supplies positive voltages to all units of the
target generator; the other supplies negative
position of the gun director.
voltages for power and bias applications.
Number of Shells Provided: 3
Firing Data: May be fixed singly or in salvo.
Not available.
AN/SPG-T10: 2