Volume 1 of 2
15 December 1965
Example. Radio Set AN/ARC-3( ) might be assigned for a new airborne radio communication set under development.
The cognizant development organization might then assign AN/ARC-3 (XA-1), AN/ARC-3(XA-2), etc., type numbers to
the various sets developed for test. When the set was considered satisfactory for use, the experimental indicator would
be dropped and procurement nomenclature AN/ARC-3 would be officially assigned thereto.
Training Sets. A set or equipment designed for training purposes will be assigned type numbers as follows:
1. A set to train for a specific basic set will be assigned the basic set type number followed by a dash, the
letter T, and a number. Example: Radio Training Set AN/ARC6A-T1 would be the first training set for Radio Set
2. A set to train for general types of sets will be assigned the usual set indicator letters followed by a dash, the
letter T, and a number. Example: Radio Training Set AN/ARC-T1 would be the first training set for general airborne
Parenthesis Indicator. A nomenclature assignment with parenthesis, ( ) following the basic type number is made to
identify an article generally, when a need exists for a more general identification than that provided by nomenclature
assigned to specific designs of the article. Examples: AN/GRC-5( ), AM-6( )/GRC-5, SB-9( )/GG. A specific design is
identified by the plain basic type number, the basic type number with a suffix letter, or the basic type number with an
experimental symbol in parenthesis. Examples: AN/GRC-5, AN/GRC5A, AN/GRC-5(XC-1), AM-6B/GRC-5, SB-9(XE-
3)/GG. The letter V within the parenthesis is used to identify systems with varying parts list.
(See MILSTD-196B for Statement of Policies)
1. JETDS type designation shall be assigned to:
(a) Complete systems, subsystems, centrals, sets, groups, units (components), and subassemblies of
military design either definitive or variable in configuration.
(b) Material of either commercial or military design, which are grouped for a military purpose.
(c) Electronic materiel of military design which are part of, or used with, an end item not identified in the
(d) Commercial materiel requiring military identification for use by the U. S. Government.
(e) Electronic materiel of military design which are not part of, or used with, a set.
2. JETDS type designation will not be assigned to:
(a) Materiel cataloged commercially, except in accordance with commercial materiel requiring military
identification for use by the U. S. Government.
(b) Parts such as capacitors, electron tubes, and resistors, except if required to facilitate military
(c) Materiel having other identification in coordinated (joint) military specifications or type designation