Volume 1
Section 3
15 December 1965
AN/SPS-8, -8A, -8B
AN/SPS-8, -8A - 37.5 db
AN/SPS-8B - 41 db
Radar Sets AN/SPS-8, -8A, and -8B are shipboard
Antenna Speed 1, 2, 3, 5,and 0 rpm, or manual
integrated search and height-finding radar systems used
Azimuth Coverage: 30 to 200 deg
for the detection and surveillance of aircraft. It presents
Elevation Coverage:
target height, slant range, bearing, and beacon
AN/SPS-8, -8A - Any 11 deg sector between
information on Radar Repeater Equipments VK and VL.
0 and 36 deg
The antenna is precisely stabilized by use of a
AN/SPS-8B - Any 12 deg sector between 0
stable element and the roll and pitch servo loops.
and 36 deg
Scan Rate:
AN/SPS-8, -8A - 1,200, 600, and 300 rpm or
AN/SPS-8B - 970, 720, and 360 rpm or manual
Reflector Elevation:
AN/SPS-8, -8B - 4 to 29 deg
AN/SPS-8B - 6 to 30 deg
Peak Power Output:
AN/SPS-8 - 650 kw
AN/SPS-8A, -8B - 1 megw
Siting: To ease servicing and maintenance, place units
Pulse Repetition Rate:
AN/SPS-8 - 500 and 1,000 pps
unit must be no more than 125 feet from antenna to
AN/SPS-8A, -8B - 450 and 700 pps
avoid excessive moding and pulling of magnetron.
Pulse Width:
300 ft is the maximum recommended distance apart
AN/SPS-8 - 1 and 2 -sec
AN/SPS-8A, -8B - 2 sec
to avoid loss through pulse cables. Place Radar Set
Control C-1176/SPS-8A or C-677/ SPS-8 above the
Range, Max:
master VK and VL indicators.
AN/SPS-8 - 60 naut mi on two F2H fighter
Mounting: Bolt base shock mounts to deck and rear
planes at 1,000 pps and 5 rpm
shock mounts to bulkhead. Bond each equipment
AN/SPS-8A, -8B - 72 naut mi on two F2H
cabinet to deck or bulkhead to protect personnel and
fighter planes at 700 pps and 5 rpm
prevent stray electric fields.
Cabling Requirements: Special procedure for
AN/SPS-8, -8A - Robinson horn scanner
assembling the high voltage pulse cables is given in
AN/SPS-8B - Organ pipe scanner
Section 3 of NAVSHIPS 91988(A) or 91522(A).
Horizontal Beam Width:
Related Equipment: Navy Model VK Plan Position
AN/SPS-8, -8A - 3.5 deg
Indicator; Navy Model VL Range-Height Indicator.
AN/SPS-8B - 1.5 deg
Vertical Beam Width:
AN/SPS-8, -8A - 1.1 deg
AN/SPS-8B - 1.2 deg
AN/SPS-8: 2