Volume 1
Section 3
15 December 1965
Operating Voltages and Power Requirements:
440v, 60 cps, 3-ph, 9 kva max, 19.6 amp operating
The AN/SPS12 is a medium-range surveillance
current, 9.3 amp standby current,
radar that detects aircraft and surface ships. It presents
0.92 pf (lagging)
target range on an A-type indicator and provides target
Antenna Type: Parabolic
range and azimuth data for presentation on associated
Provision is made to connect AN/UPX-1A
Antenna Beam Pattern, Vertical Plane:
equipment and display the received signals from this
30 deg cosecant squared
equipment together with the reflected radar signals on
Antenna Beam Pattern, Horizontal Plane:
the PPI of other associated equipment.
Sharp 3 deg beam
The fundamental pulse repetition frequencies may
be varied by 5% for anti-jamming purposes.
Local or remote selection of long or short pulses is
Facilities for making radar performance
Siting: Locate Radar Modulator MD173/SPS12 and
checks while at sea are provided. Sufficient space is
Radar Receiver-Transmitter Group OA-328/SPS-12
available to permit a modification that increases the
close together in compartment near mast. Locate
peak power output to two megawatts.
Control-Power Supply C-1100/SPS-12 and
When Antenna Group AN/SPA-21(XN-1) is installed,
Electronic Control Amplifier AM-420/U (GFE) near
the AN/SPS12 is converted to a long range surveillance
radar equipment.
Allow clearance on all sides of units for removal of
panels and servicing.
Functionally similar to, but not interchangeable with,
328/SPS-12, Radar Modulator MD-173/ SPS-12,
Radar Sets AN/SPS-6,-6A,-6B series equipments. The
Control-Power Supply C-1100/ SPS-12 mounted
AN/SPS-12A is functionally interchangeable with the
upright with shock mounts to steel plates on deck
AN/SPS-12, only difference is the addition of roll
and shock mounts to bulkhead. Power Supply
Control C-1081 must be mounted in an upright
position for relays to function properly.
Cabling Requirements: Cables should not run through
battery charging compartments, galleys, uptake
spaces or machinery spaces. Solid coaxial cables
Peak Power Output: 500 kw
should be kept away from steam pipes, hot-air
Pulse Repetition Rate: 300 and 600 pps, variable
intakes, and stack gases.
by 5%- for anti-jamming
Related Equipment: AN/UPX( ).
Pulse Duration: 4 sec for 300 pps and 1 sec
for 600 pps
AN/SPS-12: 2