TM 11-5840-281-12-1
Centerline of runway (clr)
The longitudinal center of the runway.
An imaginary extension of the clr that represents
the approach path for a landing aircraft.
Electronically generated lines on both azimuth and
elevation beta displays that are adjusted to repre-
sent the desired glidepath and courseline.
Distance to touchdown
The distance from td point to the radar set group.
The angle formed by the intercept of the aircraft
descent path and horizontal (0-degree reference).
Ground angle
Angle formed (at radar site) by line representing
horizontal and line from radar site to td point.
Ground angle is positive when elevation of td point
is higher than radar site, negative when td point
Is lower.
Offset distance
The distance of a perpendicular line from the clr
to the radar set group.
Operating site
Physical location of the control-indicator groups.
Radar site
Right-of-runway, left-of-runway
The side of runway on which the radar set group is
located, as seen by the pilot of a landing aircraft.
Runway parallel line (rpl)
An Imaginary line extending from the radar set group,
parallel to the clr.
Touchdown (td)
The point at which an aircraft will touch the runway
when following the predetermined glidepath and
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