TM 11-5840-281-35/1
Item No.
Trouble symptom
Probable trouble
Checks and corrective action
18. Precision relay K101 should be
restored; iff interlock relay K102
should be operated.
c. Check for presence of error signal
associated iff equipment) at AZ
POS FB testpoint TP7501 on
2 Ppi sweep on either Control-
Refer to applicable associated iff
Indicator C-6988/TPN-18 not
equipment technical manual.
in associated iff equipment.
synchronized with associated iff
antenna when respective SCAN
MODE switch is placed to IFF.
Replace iff mode relay K602 in
3 Ppi sweep on one Control-Indicator
Defective iff mode relay K602 in
applicable Control-Indicator C-
C-6988/TPN-18 not synchronized
applicable Control-Indicator C-
operating in IFF scan mode.
Perform precision scan mode
4 Indicated bearing of radar targets on
Synchro control system misaligned ...
both Control-Indicators C-
with associated iff equipment, also
6988/TPN-18 incorrect in SEARCH
and SIMULT scan modes.
alignment (TM 11-5840-281-12).
Replace trigger delay generator or
5 No range marks ............................
Defective trigger delay generator
circuit card or range mark oscillator
circuit card in applicable Pulse
Generator O-1333/TPN-18.
6 No touchdown markers .................
card in applicable Pulse Generator
7 No range mark blanking ................
Replace azimuth-elevation blanking
Defective azimuth-elevation blanking
pulse generator or range mark
pulse generator or range mark
Pulse Generator 0-1383/TPN-18.
a. In either Control-Indicator C-
8 No sweeps on both Control-
No system trigger ..............................
6988/TPN-18, place TRIG switch
Indicators C-6988/TPN-18 in any
S2201 on trigger delay generator
scan mode.
circuit card to INT. If sweep
appears, return TRIGGER switch
S2201 to EXT and perform b or c
b. If operated with an associated iff
equipment, check associated iff
equipment triggers.
c. If operated independent of an
associated if equipment, trouble is
of radar transmitter.
9 Sweep ends before 40-mi range
Misadjustment of SWEEP GATE
control R4503 to end sweep just
mark on ppi sweep with SCAN
LENGTH control R4503 on sweep
after 40-mi range mark on ppi
MODEswitch placed to SEARCH
sweep with SCAN MODE switch on
and RANGE MILES switch placed
Control-Indicator C-6988/TPN-18
to 40.
placed to SEARCH and RANGE
MILES switch placed to 40.
b. If adjustment does not correct
trouble, replace sweep generator
circuit card