TM 11-5840-281-35/1
(5) On master Control-Indicator C-6988/
control dial setting is (10 (+2) db more than setting
recorded in step (16) above. Record new OUTPUT
WIDE without going through WIDE to HV ON.
ATTEN. control dial setting.
AM-3338/TPN-8, rotate SLOPE ADJ control R3661 to
AM-3338/TPN-8, adjust CROSSOVER ADJ control
midposition and CROSSOVER ADJ control R3645 to
maximum cw.
step (17) above.
(7) On radar test set, adjust RF TUNING
(21) Repeat (15) through (20) above until
control for maximum pulse on oscilloscope.
no adjustment of CROSSOVER ADJ control R3645 is
required in (20) above.
c(1) (k) through (1) (o), above).
(9) On radar test set, rotate OUTPUT
AM-3338/TPN-8, disconnect oscilloscope vertical input
test prod from DET 2 testpoint TP3604 and connect to
oscilloscope is just above minimum discernible signal
DET 3 testpoint TP3605.
level so that no iagc takes place.
(10) On oscilloscope, place CHANNEL A
(11) On radar test set, adjust OUTPUT
If checks in (23) through (35) below are out of
ATTEN. control until pulse amplitude on oscillo- scope is
tolerance, repeat difference receiver channel
2 cm. Record OUTPUT ATTEN. control dial setting in
alignment beginning with step (6) above.
(12) Rotate OUTPUT ATTEN. control to
(23) On radar test set, rotate OUTPUT
setting is 16 db less than setting recorded in (11).
oscilloscope equals amplitude in (17) above.
(24) On radar test set, record OUTPUT
AM-3338/TPN-8, adjust SLOPE ADJ control R3661 until
ATTEN. control dial setting. Setting should be 10 (+2) db
pulse amplitude on oscilloscope is 3 cm.
more than setting recorded in (19) above.
(14) Repeat (11) through (13) above until
no adjustment of SLOPE ADJ control R3661 is required
AM3338/TPN-8, disconnect oscilloscope vertical input
in (13) above.
test prod from DET 3 testpoint TP3605 and connect to
DET 4 testpoint TP3606.
AM-3338/TPN-8, disconnect oscilloscope vertical input
(26) On radar test set, rotate OUTPUT
test prod from IAGC PULSE testpoint TP3602 and
connect to DET 1 testpoint TP3603.
oscilloscope equals amplitude in (17) above.
(16) On radar test set, adjust OUTPUT
(27) On radar test set, record OUTPUT
ATTEN. control dial setting. Setting should be 10 (+2)
amplitude level below limiting level. Record OUTPUT
db more than setting recorded in (24) above.
ATTEN. control dial setting.
(17) On oscilloscope, adjust CHANNEL A
AM-3338/TPN-8, disconnect oscilloscope vertical input
test prod from DET 4 testpoint TP3606 and connect to
controls until pulse on oscilloscope is of convient
DET 5 testpoint TP3607.
amplitude below saturation.
(29) On radar test set, rotate OU "DUT
(18) On Intermediate Frequency Amplifer
AM-3338/TPN-8, disconnect oscilloscope vertical input
oscilloscope equals amplitude in (17) above.
test prod from DET 1 testpoint TP3603 and connect to
(30) On radar test set, record OUTPUT
DET 2 testpoint TP3604.
ATTEN. control dial setting. Setting should be 10 (+2) db
(19) On radar test set, rotate OUTPUT
more than setting recorded in (27) above.
ATTEN. control ccw until OUTPUT ATTEN.