TM 11-5840-281-35/1
(3) Remove waveguide (51) from radar set
(4) Release two waveguide couplers at
elevation antenna and one waveguide coupler on
(4) Install covers over open elevation
elevation drive, and remove covers.
antenna drive and elevation antenna waveguide.
Preformed packing should be left in place on the
Preformed packing should be left on open
open waveguide when the covers are removed
elevation antenna drive and elevation antenna
in step (3).
waveguide before covers are installed.
(5) Position waveguide (51) between the
(5) Remove four screws (52) and
elevation antenna and elevation antenna drive, and
lockwashers (53).
secure it in place with waveguide couplers.
(6) Remove adapter (54) and preformed
packing (55).
(7) Position waveguide (57) between
elevation antenna and elevation antenna drive, and
secure it at the elevation antenna end with waveguide
(8) Release waveguide coupler on elevation
antenna, while holding other end of waveguide (57).
(8) Position adapter (54) and preformed
(9) Remove waveguide (57) from radar set
packing (55) between waveguide (57) and elevation
antenna drive.
(10) Install cover (58) over open elevation
(9) Secure waveguide (57) and adapter (54)
antenna drive waveguide.
to elevation antenna drive using four screws (52) and
(11) Install cover over open elevation
lockwashers (53).
antenna waveguide.
Wire rope assembly on cover (58) should be
Preformed packing should be left on open
secured under one of the screws (52).
elevation antenna drive and elevation antenna
waveguide before covers are installed.
(10) Connect connector P505 from
elevation horn and polarizer cable to connector J505 on
(12) Remove retaining clip holdpng
the elevation antenna drive.
elevation antenna on elevation antenna yoke.
(13) Lift elevation antenna (59) from
Removal and Replacement of Elevation
Antenna Drive TG-1 14/TPN-8
(14) Remove four screws (60), lockwasher
(fig. 343)
(61), and flat washers (62).
(15) Remove elevation antenna yoke (63)
a. Removal. To remove elevation Antenna
from elevation antenna drive.
Drive TG-114/TPN-8, proceed as follows:
b. Replacement. To replace elevation Antenna
(1) Disconnect connector P501 from J501
AS-1291/TPN-8 and yoke, proceed as follows:
on elevation antenna drive.
(1) Position elevation antenna yoke (63) on
(2) Disconnect connector P106 from J106
elevation antenna drive and secure in place using four
(3) Remove cable assembly W3503 (64)
(2) Position elevation antenna (59) on
from radar set group.
elevation antenna yoke (63) and secure in place with
retaining clip provided.
holding elevation rotary couplers to waveguide from
(3) Remove four screws (52), lockwashers
(58), and cover (58).
(5) Remove three screws (65), three
screws (66), six lockwashers (67), and six flat washers
(6) Remove elevation drive (69) from