TM 11-5840-281-35/1
(9) Loosen four screws on coil sleeve MP632
stall Pulse Generator 0-1333/TPN-18 in control-indicator
binding deflection yoke assembly MP640 to coil sleeve.
(10) Using care not to strike cathode ray tube
(6) Refer to paragraph 339 and align deflection
V601 neck, remove two screws and flat washers from
yoke assembly.
the slotted holes in the deflection yoke assembly and
(7) Install top access cover MP619 on control-
remove deflection yoke assembly from control-indicator
indicator cabinet and secure with 10 screws.
(8) Install front cover MP615 and rear cover
To replace deflection yoke
MP616 on control-indicator cabinet and retain each with
six rim latches.
assembly, proceed as follows: (1) Using care not to
strike cathode ray tube neck, insert deflection yoke
assembly MP640 into coil sleeve MP632.
3-65. Removal and Replacement of Power Supply
deflection yoke assembly so that synchro B602 is up.
Attach deflection yoke assembly to control-indicator
cabinet with two screws, flat washers, and lockwashers.
To remove Power Supply PP-
3383/TPN-8, proceed as follows:
Do not tighten the four screws that bind
(1) Remove rear cover MP616 from control-
deflection yoke assembly and coil sleeve
indicator cabinet by unlatching six rim latches.
MP632 at this time. These screws are to be
(2) Disconnect connectors P1901 and P1902.
tightened during alignment of the deflection
(3) Remove nine screws and flat washers
yoke assembly.
around outer edge of Power Supply PP-3383/ TPN-8
(A1900) and remove Power Supply PP-3383/TPN-8 from
(2) Connect connectors P1603 and P1604 to rotating coil
control-indicator cabinet.
amplifier assembly A1600.
b. Replacement. To replace Power Supply PP-
(3) Connect tube socket XV601 to cathode ray tube
3383/TPN--8, proceed as follows:
(1) Install Power Supply PP-3383/TPN-8 in
(4) Connect wires to terminal board MP651, motor B603,
control-indicator cabinet mounting and push in until guide
pin MP624 engages.
Retain Power Supply PP-
(5) While supporting Pulse Generator O-1333/TPN-18
3383/TPN-8 with nine screws and flat washers.
connect connectors J601 and J602 to Pulse Generator
(2) Connect connectors P1901 and P1902.
(3) Install rear cover MP616 on control-indicator
cabinet and retain with six rim latches.