TM 11-6625-847-45
divider module provides the 1-kc pulse output and the
10-kc spectrum output as inputs to the 10 and 1-kc
regulator transistor Q1, and to pin 40 of tray A1A3
synthesizer module and a 100-kc spectrum input to the
connector J1, energizing the converter section of the dc-
100-kc synthesizer module. FREQ SHIFT switch S4 is
to-dc converter and regulator module on the test set.
The + 20 volt dc input to tray A1A3 is connected to
divider module. The 10-kc and 1-kc shaft couplers for
contact terminal 2 (wiper), section B, of MODULE
the 10 and 1-kc synthesizer module are controlled by
SELECT switch S3. The output voltage from the
the FREQ SELECT 10 KC and 1 KC controls. The 7.1-
collector of voltage regulator transistor Q1 is connected
mc output of the 10 and 1-kc synthesizer module is
to contact terminal 3 of FIXED/VAR switch 82 and is
amplified by amplifier assembly AR5 and supplied to the
controlled by POWER ADJ resistor RI. FIX/VAR switch
100 kc synthesizer module. The output of the 100 kc
S2 selects the voltage to contact terminal 1, section A,
synthesizer module is one of the inputs to the translator
of MODULE SELECT switch S3. In the FIXED position,
module. The output of the 10 and 1-kc synthesizer
the FIXED/VAR switch supplies the fixed level + 20-volt
module is amplified by amplifier assembly AR4 and is
dc from the test set to the module selected by MODULE
one of the inputs to the translator module. The RF
SELECT switch S3. When S2 is in the VAR position,
output signal of the mc synthesizer module is amplified
the voltage output of voltage regulator transistor Q1 is
by amplifier assembly AR3 and is one of the inputs to
supplied to the module selected by MODULE SELECT
the translator module.
switch SS. The remaining modules of the RT-662/GRC
installed on tray A1A3 receive the fixed level +20-volt
dc from the test set.
d. The amplified output of the mc synthesizer
module is measured at the MC SYNTH OUTPUT
Note. The modules of RT-662/GRC that are mounted
connector. The 1 MC output of the frequency standard
on tray A1A3 are part of the SM-442A/ GRC.
module is measured at FREQ STANDARD OUTPUT
connector 1 MC. The amplified 10 MC output of the
frequency standard module is measured at FREQ
c. The frequency standard module of the RT-
STANDARD OUTPUT connector 10 MC. The output of
662/GRC provides a 1-mc RF output signal to amplifier
the 100 kc synthesizer module can be measured at 100
KC SNYTH OUTPUT connector. The 7.1-mc output of
amplifier module AR2, and a 500-kc RF output signal to
the 10 and 1-kc synthesizer module is measured at the
the frequency divider module. The amplified RF out qf
10 & 1 KC SYNTH OUTPUT connector 7.1 MC. The
amplifier AR1 is the 1-mc input to the mc synthesizer
amplified 10 and 1-kc synthesizer module outputs to the
module. Motor positioner A2 positions the mc shaft
translator module are measured at 10 & 1 KC SYNTH
coupler of the mcsynthesizer module to the position
OUTPUTS connector 10 & 1 KC. The outputs of the
representative of the frequency selected by the MC
frequency modules are measured at FREQ DIVIDER
FREQ controls on the test set. The mc synthesizer
OUTPUTS connectors 1.75 MC J11, 10 KC
module also provides a high-lo frequency band signal to
SPECTRUM J15, 1 KC PULSE J14, and 100 KC
the 100-kc synthesizer module and to the translator
SPECTRUM J10. The outputs of the translator module
module. The high lo signal controls the switching of the
can be monitored at TRANSLATOR OUTPUTS, RCVR
frequency bands on these modules. MC SYNTH HI/ LO
IF and XMTR RF. Translator module inputs can be
indicators DS2 and DS3 (fig.-10) provide visual
monitored at connectors TRANSLATOR INPUTS,
indication of the frequency band selected by the mc
RCVR RF and XMTR IF. The 5-mc signal from the
synthesizer module.
The amplified RF output of
frequency standard module can be monitored at FREQ
amplifier AR2 is the 10 mc input to the 100-kc
STANDARD 5 MC EXT/INT connector J5.
synthesizer module. The 500-kc input to the frequency