TM 11-6625-847-45
9. At 29.0 MHz and 30 MHz the output on the
If it becomes necessary to adjust
Boonton 91C meter shall stay within 1 db of the output
reading, at 29.5 MHz. If it is not within this tolerance,
Capacitor A1A5A1AT1C2 perform the
reset C2 and check until the readings comply with the
following steps.
requirement of 1 db
1. Insert a known good Driver Assembly 2A8 into
Tray A1A5.
10. After the requirements of step 9 above have
been met, set up at 15.5 MHz and note Boonton 91C
2. Connect a signal generator, 50 ohms
meter output reading as in step 6 above. Then check at
impedance out, to input of Driver Assembly 2A8.
15.0 and 16.0 MHz and see if these limits fall with the
3. Connect a Boonton 91C, or equal, RF Sensitive
1 db tolerance. If not, go back and forth between the
Voltmeter to the "RF" out connector across a 50 ohm
limits at 29.5 MHz and at 15.5 MHz and find a
load adapter.
compromise setting of Capacitor A1A5AT1C2 to meet
4. Turn on equipment and let warmup for at least a
tolerance for both frequencies.
half hour.
11. The same procedure should be followed at the
5. Set signal generator and equipment to 29.5
center frequency of 3.25 MHz with the tolerance of 1
MHz (use a frequency counter).
db at the 3.0 and 3.5 MHz points. Again, if necessary,
6. Adjust signal generator output to obtain
find a compromise setting of Capacitor A1A5AT1C2 in
approximately 1.0 volt rms on the Boonton 91C meter.
order to obtain an intolerance condition for all three
7. Peak Capacitor A1A5A1AT1C2.
8. Reset signal generator to 20.0 MHz (use
as in step 6 above.
Change 1 5-13