pallets, or stacks; taking items all from one
that are specified for each test set, radar,
location; or selecting items that appear de-
listed in appendix B.
fective, will not be used.
e. Defect Classification.
(2) S a m p l e s i z e . Use table 1 of MIL-
( 1) Mechanical-Visual.
STD-105D, General Inspection Level II, to
(a) Critical. Refer to the definition of
obtain the sample size code letter, and table
a critical defect.
2-A of MIL-STD-105D to obtain the sample
size using the storage quality levels shown
(b) Major.
in (3) below.
1. Damage due to handlingor storage
(crushed, deformed, or broken).
(3) Storage quality levels (SQL)
(a) Mechanical-visual inspection: Crit-
ical SQL 1.0 percent; major SQL 2.5 percent;
minor SQL 10 percent.
3. Solderless connectors: defects as
(b) Electrical: Critical SQL 1.0 per-
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
cent; major SQL 2.5 percent.
4. Cabling and wiring: defects as
(c) Preservation, packaging, packing,
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
and marking: major SQL 4.0 percent; minor
5. Hardware:
defects as listed in
SQL 10 percent.
(d) The acceptance or reject number
6. Foreign objects: defects as listed
for the above SQL's shall be the same as
in MIL-STD-252A.
those shown for comparable acceptance quali-
7. Potential short circuits: defects
ty levels (AQL's) in table 2-A of MIL-STD-
as listed in MIL.-STD-252A.
8. Finish: defects as listed in MIL-
c. Inspection Requirements. The following
mechanical-visual inspections shall be per-
9. Marking: defects as listed in MIL-
( 1) Inspect case for physical damage,
10. Parts: defects as listed in MIL-
condition, and finish.
(2) Inspect all controls and switches for
11. Contacts: defects as listed in MIL-
proper operation and loose or missing hard-
12. Plating, painting, or MFP missing.
(3) Inspect all connectors, plugs, and
13. Dimensional: a dimensional defect
which directly affects interchangeability, as-
(4) Inspect assembly for physical dam-
sembly or operation.
age, condition, missing parts, foreign objects,
and finish.
(c) Minor.
(5) Inspect cabling and wiring for poten-
tial short circuits, cuts, breaks, fraying, de-
terioration, kinks, and strain.
2. Solderless connectors: defects as
(6) Inspect solder connections for missing
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
cold solder, insufficient solder,
excessive solder, and improper wrap.
3. Cabling and wiring: defects as
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
(7) Inspect for illegible, incorrect, or mis-
sing markings.
4. Hardware: defects as listed in
(8) Inspect for corrosion, dirt, moisture,
and fungus.
5. Finish: Defects as listed in MIL-
(9) Inspect all parts and hardware for
damage and condition.
6. Marking: defects as listed in MIL-
d. Test Requirements. Perform those tests