Volume 1
Section 1
15 December 1965
Video Amplifier
for a GCA (ground controlled approach) landing.
Gain: 10 db
Dynamic Range: l7v
IF. Delay Line
Delay: 0.24 usec
Beamwidth (1/2 Power)
Vertical: 1.1 max
Control Indicator Group
Horizontal: 3.5 max
Gain: 35 db
Number of Indicators: Two Indicator Presentation
Scan Coverage: -1 to plus 10 or -1 to plus 35
PPI: or beta can be displayed on both indicators
in search and PREC modes respectively PPI
Horizontal Servo: plus or minus 15
display on slave indicator and beta display on
Vertical Height: 8 ft
master indicator is SIMULT mode only
Horizontal Width: 2 ft
Remoting: The radar set shall operate within
specified limits when the distance between
Beamwidth (1/2 Power)
Vertical: 3.5 max csc2 to 30
Horizontal: 1.30 max
Gain: 37 db
Type Display: PPI (10 in. dia CRT)
Scan Coverage: 30, 60 and 360
Ranges: Linear (5-, 10-, 20- and 40-mi sweeps)
Tilt: -1 to plus 25
Offset Ranges: Full radius (except 40-mi)
Range Remarks: 1-mi spacing on 5- and
Vertical Height: 4.5 ft
10-mi sweeps; 5-mi spacing on 20- and
Horizontal Width: 6.5 ft
40-mi sweeps.
Range Mark Accuracy: plus or minus 2%
Deflextion: Rotating coil
Scan Rate: 16 rpm
Pulse Width: 0.2 or 0.8 usec
Precision Approach and Height Finder
PRF: 1200 pps
Display: Beta scan (azimuth and elevation)
Peak Power Output: 200 kw nom
Ranges: Exponential 5 and 10-mi sweeps;
linear 20 and 40-mi sweeps
Minimum Detectable Signal: -101 dbm
Range Marks: 1-mi spacing on 5- and
10-mi sweeps; 5-mi spacing on 20 and
usec; 7 mc for 0.2 usec pulse
40-mi sweeps
Receiver FTC: Selected by operator
Range Mark Accuracy: plus or minus 1%
Receiver STC: Selected by operator
Azimuth Display: 30 or 60 sector
scan or 360 in SIMULT mode, within
from operator's position
a -1 to plus 10 elevation sector
RF Noise Figure: 10.5 db
Elevation Display: -1 to plus 10 or-1 to plus 35
within a 30 azimuth sector scan
Gain: Var (plus 27 db to -13 db)
Date Rate: One azimuth and elevation
Bandwidth: 13 mc
picture every sec in NORM mode; one
azimuth and one elevation picture
Noise Figure: 2.8 db
every sec in 35 EL mode; one azimuth
IF. Amplifier
and one elevation picture every 2 sec
Gain: Var (plus 84 db to plus 34 db
in 60 AZ mode; approx 16 azimuth and
(narrow band); var plus 78 db to plus
28 db wide band)
precision display in SIMULT mode
Bandwidth: 2 or 7 mc
Glidescope Cursors: Adjustable to any
glideslopes from plus 1 to 45 in elevation
Dynamic Range: 30 db
Runway Cursors: Two electronic preset cursors
Log IF. Amplifier
adjustable to any runway heading the siting
IF. Gain: 70 db
Bandwidth: 8 mc
Height Finding: 300 to 30,000 ft with
Center Frequency: 60 mc
accuracy of 0.4% of range and plus or
Dynamic Range: 30 db
minus 10% in altitude