Volume 1
Section 1
15 December 1965
Pulse Width: 0.55 usec
approach made when the aircraft makes the final
Transmitter Duty Cycle: 0.0008
approach to the runway. Since only one mode of
operation is possible at a time, this equipment is suitable
only for airfields having low traffic density. The antenna
Receiver Sensitivity: -95 dbm
equipment and transmitting and receiving components
Distance Range: 5, 10, 20 and 40 naut mi
are housed in a weatherproof shelter, and can be
Resolution: 300 ft or 1 pct of aircraft distance.
installed on either side of the used runway. The entire
Surveillance Node:
antenna assembly can be rotated to provide reciprocal
Vertical Coverage: 0.5 to 20 deg (20,000 ft max
and multiple runway coverage without the requirements
of a Radar Set Turntable. The indicator and remote
Horizontal Coverage: 360 deg
control components are normally installed in the airfield
Indicator Display: PPI
control tower, which can be a maximum cable length of
Precision Mode:
10,000 feet from the transmitting and receiving
Vertical Coverage: -1 to plus 7 deg
equipment. A single indicator functions as a plan
Horizontal Coverage: 30 deg
position indicator (PPI) during surveillance operation,
Indicator Display: Dual beta scan
and provides a time-shared dual beta scan to present
Minimum Distance Range: 1/4 mi, 75 ft altitude
azimuth and elevation information during precision
approach operation. Glide path, center line, azimuth
Waveguide Pressure: 18 to 22 psi
antenna tilt, and elevation antenna tilt cursors are
electrically generated by a computer in the Indicator
Power Requirements: 120v, ac, 50 to 60
Group. Four radar target simulators are furnished and
cps, single ph, 12 kva
are to be erected near the end of the runway to aid in
alignment of the indicator. Circular polarizers can be
switched into the antenna equipment to reduce the
signals returned from rain and clouds. Sensitivity time
control (STC) and fast time control (FTC) circuits are
Siting: The field unit is located in a cleared area,
included in the receiver to reduce ground clutter on the
adjacent to the runway to be used. The indicator
indicator. Telephones are furnished with the Indicator
and remote control components are normally
installed in the control tower. Also, any other X-
band equipment operation on the same band in the
The AN/TPN-12 is replaced by Quad Radar P/N
Mounting: Concrete foundation or directly on the
GCA-M-MK-IV, which is a more reliable Radar Set. The
Ground Indicator Group: Floor-mounted.
AN/TPN-12A is similar to AN/TPN-12, the difference
being that a pedestal heater has been added to prevent
power cable is 35 feet, while that of the indicator is
8-1/2 feet and hence, these units must be located
within these distances from an external power
source outlet. Also, the cable to connect the
indicator with the field unit remotely is 500 feet long.
Power Output:
Greater than 500 ft cable must be obtained through
Peak - 150 kw (min)
supply channels.
Average - 120 w (min)
Pulse Repetition Rate: 1500 pps
Related Equipments: Wind Measuring Set AN/GMQ-
11, Radio-Receiver BC-639, Radio-Transmitter BC-640
( ), Radio-Receiver R-278( )/GR, Radio Transmitter
T-217( )/GR
AN/TPN-12: 2