Volume 1
Section 3
15 December 1965
AN/UPX-1, -1A
Coder Decoder
Input Pulse -
Polarity: Positive
Radar Recognition Sets AN/UPX-1 and -1A are used
Repetition Rate: 50 to 410 pps
primarily for the recognition of friendly radar targets. A
Duration: 0.3 to 25 sec at 50% amplitude
supplementary use of the equipment is to provide a
Voltage: 5 to 50v peak across 75 ohm resistor
more detailed recognition of friendly radar targets for
Rise Time: 0.01 to 1 sec, 0 to 70% amplitude
additional security and tactical information. The sets are
Display Trigger -
operated in conjunction with shipboard and fixed ground
Polarity: Positive
station radar equipment. They normally use the radar
Repetition Rate: 5 to 100 pps
display for the presentation of IFF data, and their
Duration: 10 sec at 85% peak amplitude
antennas are either an integral part of, or are slaved
Voltage: 10v across 75 ohm resistor, under dis-
with, the associated radar antenna.
play trigger
Rise Time: 0.25 sec
Jitter: 0.05 sec
Suppressor Pulse -
Rise Time: 0.25 sec
Duration: 1 to 2 sec
Amplitude: 20 to 50v
Self Trigger: 150 to 410 pulse pairs per sec
Video Amplifier
IFF Input Signal: 1 to 5v
Radar Input Signal: 1 to 5v 0.75v rms noise
Video Output Signal Polarity: Positive
Pulse Repetition Rate: 50 to 410 pps
Operating Voltages and Power Requirements:
Pulse Spacing:
105 to 125v, 60 to 400 cps, 1-ph, 865w
Mode 1 - 3 sec
Mode 2 - 5 sec
Mode 3 - 8 sec
GTC Gate Duration: 300 to 2, 500 sec
Frequency: 1090 to 1110 mc
Sensitivity: 80 db below 1v or better
Cabling Requirements: No cables should exceed
300 ft in length
8 to 11 mc at 6 db down
Related Equipment: When used for other than a
24 mc at 40 db down
single system installation, auxiliary equip-
IF. Pickup: 6 db below signal level
ment Video Distributor SA-220/UPX, Selector
Positive Video Output: 10 to 12v high dynamic
Switch SA-213/U, Radar Set Controls C-814/
range with 0.03v rms noise. 4 to 5 low dy-
UPX-1, C-815/UPX-1, and C-816/UPX-1 are
namic range with Iv rms noise.
also required.
AN/UPX-1: 2