TM 11-5840-208-30-1
(d) Apply the field correction (a(l) above), as indicated by its sign, to the azimuth to the orienting point. A
corrected azimuth will result.
(e) Hold the RADAR LOCATION AZ ORIENT switch in the ADD (or SUBT) position until the AZIMUTH
counter on the computer reads the corrected azimuth.
(f) Move the antenna in azimuth and elevation until a target echo, which can be easily identified, is
found. Read and record the azimuth and range to this target. This target can now be used as an
electrical orienting point and for orientation checks during periods of poor visibility.
An elevation orientation check is made to verify the alinement of the orienting telescope with the elevation dials.
Since there is no satisfactory means at unit level of checking the alinement of the telescope with the electrical beam, this
check is of little value when the set is to be used for weapon location, but it is valuable for such other applications as high-
burst registration of artillery. The checkpoint may be a fixed point of known elevation or a fire control instrument, such as
an aiming circle.
Check the level of the set.
b. Position the antenna so that the checkpoint is centered in the orienting telescope.
Comply with the
instructions in the note in paragraph 2-8a(3).
c. Check the elevation counter on the frame of the radar.
It should indicate the correct elevation to the
checkpoint. Record for future reference any error greater than 1 mil.
The purpose of the computer alinement check is to insure that the computer provides correct locations. This
check should be performed daily and after each move.
a. Check linearity between the antenna elevation counter and the computer LOWER BEAM ELEVATION
counter in the following manner:
Using the ELEVATION RAISE-LOWER switch, position the antenna in elevation so that the following
readings are obtained on the LOWER BEAM ELEVATION counter: -100, -50, 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 mils.
Check that the corresponding readings are obtained on the antenna elevation counter. The readings
should be within 75 mils.
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