TM 11-5840-281-35/1
cut off, its collector voltage will rise toward +800 volts,
and 200-volt power supplies are dc-to-dc converters.
producing a positive intensity gate.
(9) The intensity gate is applied to the crt
Control-Indicator Power Supplies Section
grid, causing the crt to conduct. Without the unblanking
(fig, 7-16)
signal, transistor Q2011 will go into saturation and the
negative sweep gate will be unable to cut off Q2011.
a. The control-indicator power supplies section
The bias level of Q2011 can be adjusted by INTENS
is contained in Power Supply PP-3383/TPN-8 and
BIAS control R2055, and INTENSITY control R1104 on
provides the regulated and unregulated dc voltages that
the front panel of Control-Indicator C-6988/TPN-18. The
are used in Control-Indicator C-6988/TPN-18. These
bias set by INTENS BIAS control R2055 can be altered
include the unregulated +450 and -28 volts, and the
by INTENSITY control R1104; consequently, the gate
regulated -100, +35, -35, -18, +12, and +12 volts. Power
amplitude at the output of transistor Q2011 is dependent
Supply PP-3383/TPN-8 consists of three 3-phase
upon the setting of R1104 after R2055 is adjusted.
transformers, indicator rectifiers, +400v and -100v
rectifiers, +12v, +18v and +35v voltage regulators.
Receiver-Transmitter Power Supply Section
Seven fuses are contained in Power Supply PP-
(fig. 7-15)
3383/TPN-8; six are used for the +450, +35,--35,--28, +
12, and -12 dc voltages, and one is used for heater
The receiver-transmitter power supply consists of Power
transformer T601 for the 10-kv power supply and the crt.
Supply PP-3381/TPN-8, Power Supply PP-3382/TPN-8,
The 3-phase primary power through POWER circuit
and 35-volt voltage regulator and input power circuits on
breaker CB601 in Control-Indicator C-6988/TPN-18 is
the chassis of Radar Receiver-Transmitter RT-818/TPN-
applied to three input transformers: T1902, T1903, and
18; they supply regulated and unregulated dc voltages to
T1904. Transformer T1902 supplies 3-phase ac voltage
to the -18v voltage regulator, which contains rectifiers for
control and data section.
the -28 volts and provides regulator control signals to the
-18v voltage regulators. The vertical series regulator
consists of a filament transformer, two 3-phase
supplies -18 volts to the vertical deflection coil, and the
transformers, rectifiers, 35-volt voltage regulator, 100volt
horizontal series regulator supplies -18 volts to the
power supply (Power Supply PP-3381/ TPN-8), 200-volt
horizontal deflection coil.
Transformer T1903 has four 3-phase
power supply (Power Supply PP-3382/TPN-8) and a 28-
volt power supply.
secondaries, two at +17 volts for the +12 and --12 volt
b. Transformer T101 is a single-phase, 6.3-vac
supplies. The indicator rectifier assembly contains full-
filament transformer. Transformer T102 has a single-
wave bridge rectifiers for each of these voltages and
phase and two 3-phase secondary winding outputs. The
provides unregulated voltages to the 12v and 35v voltage
single-phase secondary winding applies 327 vac to a
regulators. The unregulated +12 and -12 volts are fused
voltage doubler circuit, whose output is unregulated -920
by fuses F1903 and F1904, and filtering is provided in
volts. The two 3-phase secondary windings apply 38 vac
the 12v voltage regulators. The 12v voltage regulator
to the +35v and -35v rectifiers. The +35v and -35v
supplies regulator control signals to series-voltage
rectifiers are 8-phase, full-wave rectifiers which supply
regulator transistors Q1911 and Q1912 on the chassis of
the 35v voltage regulator with unregulated +35 and -35
Power Supply PP-3383/TPN-8. The unregulated +35
and -35 volt outputs are fused by fuses F1905 and
c. Transformer T103 secondary winding applies
F1906, respectively. Filtering is provided by inductors
ac to the +28 volt rectifier. The +28 volt rectifier is a 3-
L1901A and L1901B and associated capacitors located
in the 35v voltage regulator.
phase, full-wave rectifier whose output is applied to the
c. The 35v voltage regulator supplies control
100-volt and 200-volt power supplies, power relays, and
signals to series regulator transistors Q1913 and Q1914
actuators. The output from the 100-volt power supply is
on Power Supply PP-3383/TPN-8. Transformer T1904
regulated +100 volts, and the output from the 200-volt
supplies 242-volt, 3-phase ac to
power supply is regulated +200 and -200 volts. The 100-