TM 11-5840-281-35/1
252 voltage output from rectifier diodes CR1907 through
full-wave bridge rectifier diodes CR1901 through
CR1912 is protected by fuse F1907 and filtered by
CR1906; and 338-volt, 3-phase ac to full-wave bridge
inductor L1902 and capacitor C1902 to provide an
rectifier diodes CR1907 through CR1912.
unregulated output of +450 volts. Resistor R1922 is a
The negative output voltage from rectifier diodes
bleeder to discharge capacitor C1902 in the event the
CR1902 through CR1906 is filtered by a resistor and
load is removed. Resistor R1916 damps the ring time of
capacitor network, and regulated by Zener diode
inductor L1902.
CR1913, to provide -100 volts. The positive