Primary 115 Vac input power from the ship's
Signals from the following front panel controls
supply is applied through an interlock and energizes the
are processed:
power supply circuits when the front panel POWER
switch is in the ST BY or TX ON position.
a. CONTRAST - controls digital video contrast
b. RANGE RINGS - controls intensity of range
The power supply produces the following indicator
marker rings
operating voltages:
c. BRILLIANCE - controls brightness of sweep
d. VRM - controls intensity of VRM ring
+5 Vdc -60 Vdc
e. EBL DIM - controls brightness of EBL
+6.3 Vdc
-465 Vdc
f. ANTI-CLUTTER RAIN - provides video
-12 Vdc +4.5 KVdc
differentiation (FTC)
+12 Vdc
+17 KVdc
g. RANGE SELECT (12RT position) - selects real
+60 Vdc
time video display
4.4.5 CRT and Front Panel Circuits
The composite video is forwarded to the CRT
cathode for intensity modulation display.
Tuning indicator drive signals are sent to the
The indicator uses a 12-inch (IP-1282) or 16inch
(IP-1283) cathode ray tube (CRT) to display target and
The trigger from the PRF generator circuits controls the
related video data. Yoke A12 provides a changing
timing of the tune indicator signal.
electromagnetic deflection field for CRT sweep rotation.
The following inputs are applied to CRT V1:
4.4.3 Timing and Control
Final anode
+17 KV
Focus anode
+4.5 KV
The timing and control circuits provide timing
Grid No. 2
+475 V (Brilliance)
signals for the indicator and control system configuration
Grid No. 1
Positive unblank command
Negative video, fixed and
variable range marks, EBL PRF Generation Circuits. - The PRF generation
circuit contains the 32.32 MHz system master timing
The indicator front panel controls/circuits
oscillator and generates the PRF and clear signals for
provide control signals to the following circuits:
resetting all digital processor timing circuits. The circuit
also generates clock signals for the variable range
a. Master Indicator - PRF and pulse width (function
marker circuit, the resolver sync signals for the position
of range scale), anti-clutter (sea) commands. Power
transmission circuit, and the trigger for the video
on/off standby/transmit, receiver gain, three mile power
amplifier circuit.
boost, tune control and false target eliminator (FTE).
These circuits are controlled by the master indicator Timing Control Circuits. - This circuit contains
count-down circuits which process the master clock
b. Master/Slave Indicator - North Stabilization,
signal to generate timing and clock signals to control
antenna stop, video contrast, brilliance range rings,
processing of digital video in the data storage circuits.
panel lights, bearing scale lights VRM, VRM Readout,
Flash off, anti-clutter (rain), offset and EBL. These Counter Circuits. - The counter circuit contains
circuits are controlled by the master and slave
the read/write control, sweep gate generator and range
ring generator. The circuit generates the display clocks
and the read/write control signals for the data storage
2156 (V2)
The switching units are rotary, multiple-deck Variable Range Marker Circuits. - The VRM
switches which enable indicators in a multiple-indicator
circuits generate a VRM pulse to display a variable
system to function as master or slave indicators. The
range ring on the CRT and provide a digital readout of
switching units also provide signal switching and signal
the VRM range in yards. The range of the VRM ring is
splitting for the various modes in each system
controlled by the front panel VRM handwheel and is
used to obtain precise target range.
4.4.4 Power Control and Power Supply Circuits