CHAPTER 0. GENERALCHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATIONSAFETY PRECAUTIONSFigure 1-1 Artificial Respiration TechniquesResuscitation WarningFigure 1-2 Radar Set AN/SPS-64 (V) 1 Major UnitsTable 1-1 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V) 1 Equipment SuppliedFigure 1-3 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)1 Block DiagramTable 1-3 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V) 1, (V)2 and (V)3 Recommended Test Equipment, Tools and MaterialsRADAR SET AN/SPS-64(V)2Figure 1-4 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)2 Major UnitsFigure 1-5 Radar Set AN/SPS-64 (V)2 Block DiagramTable 1-5 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)2 Equipment SuppliedFigure 1-6 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)3 Major UnitsEquipment Required But Not Supplied (V3)Figure 1-7 Radar Set AN/SPS-64 (V)3 Block DiagramFigure 1-8 Radar Set AN/SPS-64 (V) 4 Major UnitsFigure 1-9 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V) 4 Block DiagramTable 1-9 Radar Set AN/SPS-64 (V) 4 Equipment SuppliedTable 1-11 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)4 Test Equipment, Tools and MaterialsTable 1-12 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)4 Shipboard SparesSECTION III: EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONSTable 1-14. Receiver Transmitter RT-1240 Performance CharacteristicsTable 1-16 Indicators IP-1282 and IP-1283 Performance CharacteristicsTable 1-16 Indicators IP-1282 and IP-1283 Performance Characteristics - continuedSWITCHING UNITS SA-2139 (V3, V4) AND SA-2156 (V2) - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10033Table 1-18 VARD AM-6932 Performance Characteristics (V2, V3, V4)Table 1-20 Wave Guide Switch SA-2140 Performance Characteristics (V2)SIGNAL DATA CONVERTER CV-3442 (V4) - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10036Table 1-23. Signal Data Converter CV-3442 Performance Characteristics (V4)Table 1-25 Equipment Physical DataTable 1-26. REFERENCE DESIGNATION INDEXTable 1-26. REFERENCE DESIGNATION INDEX - continuedTable 1-27. EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATIONCHAPTER 2. INSTALLATIONEquipment InspectionReceiver TransmittersTable 2-1. Equipment Installations Per SystemTable 2-3. System Interconnecting Cables - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10046Table 2-3. System Interconnecting Cables - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10047Figure 2-1. Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)1 Cabling Diagram.Figure 2-2. Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)2 Cabling DiagramFigure 2-3. Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)3 Cabling DiagramFigure 2-4 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)4 Cabling DiagramTable 2-4. Interconnecting Cable DataFigure 2-5. Antenna Pedestal Typical Masthead Mounting and Service PlatformFigure 2-6. Antenna Pedestal Typical Offset Mounting and Service PlatformFigure 2-7(1). Antenna Pedestal AB-1247 and Antenna AS-3194 Installation Diagram.Figure 2-7(2). Antenna Pedestal AB-1247 and Antenna AS-3194 Installation Diagram.Service PlatformTable 2-5 X-Band Waveguide ComponentsANTENNA AS-3194 MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 2-8. Receiver Transmitter RT-1240 Installation Diagram.AZIMUTH RANGE INDICATORS IP-1282 AND IP- 1283Figure 2-9 Recommended X-Band Waveguide Interconnection DiagramFigure 2-10. Azimuth Range Indicator IP-1282 Installation Diagram.Figure 2-11. Azimuth Range Indicator IP-1283 Installation Diagram (V2, V3, V4).Installation ModificationsTable 2-6 PRF Generator PCB Data Selector WiringSWITCHING UNITS SA-2139 (V3, V4) AND SA-2156(V2)Table 2-7 AN/SPS-64(V)2 Switching Unit SA-2156 Cable ConnectionsTable 2-7 AN/SPS-64(V)2 Switching Unit SA-2156 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10069Table 2-7 AN/SPS-64(V)2 Switching Unit SA-2156 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10070Table 2-8 AN/SPS-64(V)3 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 1 Cable ConnectionsTable 2-8 AN/SPS-64(V)3 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 1 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10072Table 2-8 AN/SPS-64(V)3 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 1 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10073Table 2-8 AN/SPS-64(V)3 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 1 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10074Table 2-9 AN/SPS-64(V)3 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 2 Cable ConnectionsTable 2-9 AN/SPS-64(V)3 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 2 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10076Table 2-9 AN/SPS-64(V)3 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 2 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10077Table 2-10 AN/SPS-64(V)4 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 1 Cable ConnectionsTable 2-10 AN/SPS-64(V)4 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 1 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10079Table 2-10 AN/SPS-64(V)4 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 1 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10080Table 2-10 AN/SPS-64(V)4 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 1 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10081Table 2-11 AN/SPS-64(V)4 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 2 Cable Connections Table 2-11 AN/SPS-64(V)4 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 2 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10083Table 2-11 AN/SPS-64(V)4 Switching Unit SA-2139 No. 2 Cable Connections - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10084Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal JumpersTable 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10086Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10087Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10088Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10089Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10090Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10091Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10092Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10093Table 2-12 Switching Units Internal Jumpers - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10094Figure 2-12 (1) Switching Units SA-2139 (V3, V4) and SA-2156 (V2) Installation Diagram (Part 1 of 2)Figure 2-12 (1) Switching Units SA-2139 (V3, V4) and SA-2156 (V2) Installation Diagram (Part 2 of 2)Figure 2-13. Interface Unit J-3463 Installation Diagram (V2).Figure 2-14. Wave Guide Switch SA-2140 Installation Diagram (V2).Figure 2-15. Video Amplifier AM-6932 Installation Diagram (V2, V3, V4).Figure 2-16. Antenna Pedestal AB-1248 and Antenna AS-3195 Installation Diagram (V4).Assembly Instructions (V4)Rotary Joint Waveguide PositioningCable Connections (V4)Lubrication (V4)Figure 2-17. Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Installation Diagram (V4).SIGNAL DATA CONVERTER CV-3442 (V4) - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10106Figure 2-18. Signal Data Converter CV-3442 installation Diagram (V4).Figure 2-19. Control Indicators C-10260 Installation Diagram (V4).Figure 2-20. Amplifier-Generator AM-6393-Installation Diagram (V4).Table 2-13. Primary Power Input Test PointsTable 2-14. Initial Adjustment Procedures and Sequence.CHAPTER 3. OPERATIONFigure 3-1. Switching Units SA-2139 (V3, V4) and SA-2156 (V2) Operating Controls and Mode Selection Nameplates.Table 3-1. Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)2 Mode Selection. Indicator Operation (V2)Table 3-2. Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)3 Mode Selection.Shut-down Procedure (V3)Table 3-3 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V) 4 Mode SelectionShut-down Procedure (V4)Figure 3-2 Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Operating ControlsTransmit IndicatorANTI-CLUTTER SEA ControlFigure 3-3 Effect of ACS Control on DisplayFigure 3-4 Effect of ACR Control on DisplayFigure 3-5 Effect of GAIN Control on DisplayTUNE Control and IndicatorOPERATING PROCEDURESOperational TechniquesFigure 3-6 X-Band vs. S-Band Display Comparison (V4)DISPLAY INTERPRETATIONFigure 3-7 Display InterpretationRadar InterferenceRADAR NAVIGATIONFigure 3-8 Methods of Position PlottingFigure 3-9 Radar Line-of-Sight Range NomographCHAPTER 4. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONFigure 4-1. Receiver Transmitter RT-1240 Functional Block DiagramModulator-Transmitter CircuitsAntenna Drive MechanismFigure 4-2. Antenna AS-3194/Antenna Pedestal AB-1247 Functional Block DiagramFigure 4-3. Azimuth Range Indicator' IP-1282/IP-1283 Functional Block DiagramPosition Transmission CircuitsTiming and ControlSignal Switching Circuits (V2, V3, V4)Figure 4-4. Switching Unit SA-2156 Functional Signal Routing Chart (V) 2Figure 4-5. Switching Units SA-2139 Functional Signal Routing Chart (V) 3Figure 4-6. Switching Units SA-2139 Functional Signal Routing Chart (V) 4Figure 4-7. Interface Unit J-3463 Functional Block Diagram (V2)Figure 4-8. Wave Guide Switch SA-2140 Functional Block Diagram (V2)Dummy Load V2Figure 4-9. Video AmplifierAM-6932 Functional Block Diagram (V2, V3, V4)Figure 4-10. Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Functional Block Diagram (V4) (S-Band)Pulse Generation and Receiver Control Circuits RT-1241Receiver Circuits (V4)Figure 4-11. Antenna AS-3195 and Antenna Pedestal AB-1248 Functional Block Diagram (V4)Antenna Position Circuits (V4)Figure 4-12. Signal Data Converter CV-3442 Functional Block Diagram (V4)Power Supply Circuits (V4)Figure 4-13 Control Indicator C-10260 Functional Block Diagram (V4)Figure 4-14. Amplifier-Generator AM-6933 Functional Block Diagram (V4)Figure 4-15. Indicator Timing Functional Block Diagram (Sheet 1)Figure 4-15. Indicator Timing Functional Block Diagram (Sheet 2)Figure 4-16. Video Functional Block DiagramFigure 4-17. Sweep Functional Block Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-17. Sweep Functional Block Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 4-18. PRF Generator PCB P/N 169128-1 Functional Block DiagramCHAPTER 5. MAINTENANCETable 5-1. Tools, Test Equipment and MaterialsHigh Voltage Arc PreventionTable 5-2 Preventive Maintenance ScheduleAntenna Pedestal AB-1248 (V4)General - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10172MAGNETRON VOLTAGEMAGNETRON VOLTAGE - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10174MAGNETRON VOLTAGE - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10175MAGNETRON VOLTAGE - continued - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10176Troubleshooting ChartsPrinted Circuit Board Removal/ReplacementRECEIVER TRANSMITTER RT-1240Figure 5-1 Receiver Transmitter RT-1240 Parts LocationFigure 5-2 Receiver Transmitter RT-1240 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 5-2 Receiver Transmitter RT-1240 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 5-2 Receiver Transmitter RT-1240 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 5-2 Receiver Transmitter RT-1240 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 4 of 4)Removal/Replacement Procedures - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10185Alignment Procedures - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10186Pulse Width AdjustmentsLocal Oscillator Adjustments.Figure 5-3 Local Oscillator Adjustment LocationsANTENNA PEDESTALS AB-1247 AND AB-1247AFigure 5-4 Antenna Pedestal AB-1247 Parts LocationTroubleshooting ProcedureFigure 5-5 Antenna Pedestal AB-1247 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5-5 Antenna Pedestal AB-1247 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 2 of 2)Removal/Replacement Procedures - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10195Rotary Joint AssemblyFigure 5-6 Reed Switch and Magnet Assemblies LocationAntenna Array AS-3194Alignment Procedures - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10199Alignment Procedures - continuedAZIMUTH RANGE INDICATORS 1P-1282 AND 1P-1283Figure 5-7 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Parts LocationFigure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 1 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 2 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 3 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 4 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 5 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 6 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/lP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 7 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart(Sheet 8 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 9 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 10 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicator. IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 11 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 12 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 13 of 14)Figure 5-8 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-1283 Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 14 of 14)Figure 5-9 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-12830 Power Supply Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 5-9 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-12830 Power Supply Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 5-9 Azimuth Range Indicators IP-1282/IP-12830 Power Supply Troubleshooting Chart (Sheet 3 of 3)Removal/Replacement Procedures - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10220Cursor Drive AssemblyAlignment Procedures - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10222Power Supply OVP AdjustmentRange Zero Alignment - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10224Table 5-4. Multiple Indicator System Range Zero Alignment DataRange Zero Alignment - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10226Sweep Circuits AlignmentSweep Circuits Alignment - continuedNorth Stabilization Circuits AlignmentVideo Circuits AlignmentSWITCHING UNITS SA-2139 (V3, V4) AND SA-2156 (V2) - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10231INTERFACE UNIT J-3463 (V2)Figure 5-10 Switching Units SA-2139 (V3, V4) and SA-2156 (V2) Parts LocationFigure 5-12 Interface Unit J-3463 and Wave Guide Switch SA-2140 Troubleshooting Chart (V2) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5-11 Interface Unit J-3463 Parts Location (V2)Figure 5-12 Interface Unit J-3463 and Wave Guide Switch SA-2140 Troubleshooting Chart (V2) (Sheet 2 of 2)WAVE GUIDE SWITCH SA-2140 (V2)Figure 5-13 Wave Guide Switch SA-2140 Parts Location (V2)Figure 5-14 Video Amplifier AM-6932 Parts Location (V2, V3, V4)Figure 5-15 Video Amplifier AM-6932 Troubleshooting chart (V2, V3, V4) (Sheet 1 0f 3)Figure 5-15 Video Amplifier AM-6932 Troubleshooting chart (V2, V3, V4) (Sheet 2 0f 3)Figure 5-15 Video Amplifier AM-6932 Troubleshooting chart (V2, V3, V4) (Sheet 3 0f 3)RECEIVER TRANSMITTER RT--1241 (V4)Figure 5-16 Receiver transmitter RT-1241 Parts Location (V4)Troubleshooting Procedure (V4)Figure 5-17 Receiver transmitter RT-1241 Troubleshooting chart (V4) (Sheet 1 of 6)Figure 5-17 Receiver transmitter RT-1241 Troubleshooting chart (V4) (Sheet 2 0f 6)Figure 5-17 Receiver transmitter RT-1241 Troubleshooting chart (V4) (Sheet 3 0f 6)Figure 5-17 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 4 of 6)Figure 5-17 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 5 of 6)Figure 5-17 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 6 of 6)Figure 5-18 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Power Supplies Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 1 of 7)Figure 5-18 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Power Supplies Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 2 of 7)Figure 5-18 Receiver Transmitter RT 1241 Power Supplies Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 3 of 7)Figure 5-18 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Power Supplies Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 4 of 7)Figure 5-18 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Power Supplies Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 5 of 7)Figure 5-18 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Power Supplies Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 6 of 7)Figure 5-18 Receiver Transmitter RT-1241 Power Supplies Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 7 of 7)Limiter Diode.High Voltage PCB Assembly A4.Low Voltage Power Supply Adjustments (V4) Transmitter Circuits Adjustment (V4) Magnetron Heater Scheduling PCB AdjustmentFigure 5-19. Microwave Assembly A8 Parts Locations (V4) (RT-1241)Resolver Drive PCB Adjustment (V4)Figure 5-20. Antenna Pedestal AB-1248 Parts Location (V4).Figure 5-21. Antenna Pedestal AB-1248 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 5-21. Antenna Pedestal AB-1248 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 2 of 2).Removal/Replacement Procedures AB-1248RF Cable AssemblyAlignment Procedures (V4)Synchro Transmitter Alignment (V4)Figure 5-22. Data Gear Box Assembly Parts Location AB-1248SIGNAL DATA CONVERTER CV-3442 (V4) - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10274Figure 5-23. Signal Data Converter CV-3442 Parts Location (V4).Figure 5-24 Signal Data Converter CV-3442 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 5-24 Signal Data Converter CV-3442 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 5-24 Signal Data Converter CV-3442 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 5-24 Signal Data Converter CV-3442 Troubleshooting Chart (V4) (Sheet 4 of 4)Alignment Procedures (CV-3442)Video DC Offset Adjustments (V4)Figure 5-25 Control Indicator C-10260 Parts Location (V4)Troubleshooting Procedure (AM-6933)Figure 5-26 Amplifier-Generator AM-6933 Parts Location (V4)Figure 5-27 Amplifier-Generator AM-6933 Troubleshooting Chart (V4)SECTION V: RF TEST PROCEDURESAntenna/Waveguide VSWR MeasurementReceiver Sensitivity (Minimum Discernible Signal - MDS) MeasurementPower Measurement Using AN/USM-177 Test SetPower and Frequency Measurement With the TS-147/Up Radar Test SetMDS Test Using the TS-147 Test SetMDS Test Using the TS-147 Test Set - continued.1 MICRO-MICROWATTS TO 1 MICROWATTS1 MILLIWATT TO 1 MEGAWATTSAverage to Peak Power In db. Conversion ChartAppendix A. 12 & 16 Inch Compass AdapterFigure 1 Interconnection DiagramFigure 2 Compass Adapter Jumper DiagramFigure 3 Compass Adapter OutlineFigure 4 Compass Adapter Schematic DiagramTable 1 Compass Adapters Reference Application TableTable 2 Compass Adapter Part Number Cross Reference ListingTable 3. COMPASS ADAPTER PARTS LIST - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10303Table 3. COMPASS ADAPTER PARTS LIST - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10304Table 3. COMPASS ADAPTER PARTS LIST - continuedtable 4. COMPASS ADAPTER PCB PARTS LIST - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10306table 4. COMPASS ADAPTER PCB PARTS LIST - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10307table 4. COMPASS ADAPTER PCB PARTS LIST - continuedFigure 5 Assembly DrawingFigure 6 PCB Parts Location DiagramTable 5 Power Supply Model 28-3.1 Parts ListFigure 7 Power Supply, PSI, Schematic DiagramAttachment A. NSK CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONSREASSEMBLY AND ALIGNMENTTable A-2 NSK Component Part NumbersTable A-3. Wiring Changes Required for Negative 28 Volt StepsAttachment B. TBK CONVERSION INSTRUCTIONSAppendix B. REFERENCESAppendix C. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM LISTFigure C-1. Radar Set AN/APA-64(V)5 Major Units.SECTION II INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEMAppendix E. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONTool and Test Equipment Requirements (Sec III)SECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10324SECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10325SECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10326SECTION III TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10327SECTION IV. REMARKS - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10328Appendix F. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSECTION II EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-11-5840-360-14-1-10330TM-11-5840-360-14-1-1 Radar Set AN/SPS-64(V)5 (NSN 5840-01-034-3946) Manual