TM 11-5840-360-14-1-1
4.11.5. Power Supply Circuits (V4)
applied to indicators DS2 and DS3.
A regulated power supply provides +12 and -12 Vdc
operating voltages for the modules in the signal data
converter from a 115-Vac, single-phase, 60-Hz source.
The amplifier-generator provides amplified, pulse
width controlled pre-trigger pulses to Blanker-Video
diagram of the amplifier-generator.
The control indicators, one mounted on the AN/
SPA-25 indicator and the other mounted on the AN/
4.13.1. Trigger Amplifier-Generator Circuits (V4)
SPA-66 indicator, provide time constant control, heading
flash blanking, and display antenna bearing mode and
Identical circuits are used to process the X-band
functional block diagram of the control indicator
(3 cm) and S-band (10 cm) transmit triggers. The
Fast time constant switch S1, a four-position
triggers are amplified by the differential amplifier and
rotary switch (OFF, 1 ec, 0.5 ec and 50 ec)
selects the appropriate video differentiation time
constant by providing a ground return for the applicable
adjustable pulse width (approximately 0.3 to 10 ec), is
line connected to the signal data converter. In the OFF
applied to the overload protection driver. The pulse is
position normal video data is displayed on the AN/ SPA
inverted to provide a positive-going, pulse width
indicators. In the other three positions the video is FTC
adjustable pulse to the AN/SLA-10. Overload protection
controlled, breaking up large target masses permitting
is provided by bypassing the pulse around the output
small targets within masses to be identified.
current amplifier.
Heading flash switch S2, when set to OFF,
provides a ground return to the signal data converter to
4.13.2. Power Supply Circuits (V4)
disable the heading flash appearing on the AN/ SPA
The power supply circuits provide +12, -12 and
When the north stabilized (NS) mode is selected,
regulated +5 Vdc operating voltages for the amplifier-
an NS indicating signal from the signal data converter
illuminates NS indicator DS1. When the signal data