TM 11-6625-1831-13
a. Introduction. The test set is part of a group of special test equipment used to maintain Radar Surveillance Sets
AN/APS-94E and AN/APS-94F. The test set is used to test Radar Signal Processors CM-374/APS-94D and CM-481/APS-
94F, and can be used to isolate faults in the signal processor to the module level. The test set performs the following
Generates simulated moving target video signals at selected ranges up to 100 km.
Simulates radar system inputs needed for signal processor operation.
Provides front panel test jacks for monitoring signal processor test responses.
Provides ac power to the signal processor under test.
b. Test Set Block Diagram.
A PRIME POWER APPLICATION 115 volt, line-to-neutral, 400 Hz, 3-phase input to test set controlled by circuit
breaker 1CB1. With 1 CB1 set to ON, 200-volt line-to-line power is applied to transformer 1 T1 and relay 1K1.
B POWER DISTRIBUTION Outputs from 1T1 applied to power supply regulator module 1A3. DC outputs from 1A3
supplied to 1A1, 1A2, 1A6 modules and relay 1K1 1K1 supplies 200-volt line-to-line power to signal processor.
C CLOCK AND COUNTER MODULE 1A1 Creates switch gate signal for oscillator and switch module.
D OSCILLATOR AND SWITCH MODULE 1A2 Creates simulated moving target video signals for signal
E ECCM CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY 1A6 Creates coincidence pulse and ECCM moving target video signals for
signal processor.