TM 11-6625-1831-13
ECCM CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY 1A6 Generates coincidence pulse, ECCM moving target signal, and ECCM scope
sync signal when MOD TRIG pulse is applied from signal processor. Coincidence pulse and moving target signals go to
signal processor under test. ECCM scope sync can be used to trigger external oscilloscope. A delay circuit on ECCM
circuit card creates one pulse at ECCM SCOPE SYNC jack and one pulse at ECCM COINC jack 9 us after each pulse of
ECCM MOD TRIG jack. ECCM moving target signal changes state 9 us after each pulse at MOD TRIG jack input. ECCM
circuit card supplies +5 Vdc to ECCM LEVEL jack when LEVEL 1 switch is set to INHIBIT; it supplies 0 Vdc to ECCM
LEVEL jack when LEVEL 1 switch is set to NORMAL.