TM 11-6625-847-45
Probable trouble
Make sure the pod-
tive lead of the AN/
PSM-6B is connected
to terminal E1.
(2) Check with the AN/
PSM-6B for a re-
sistance indication of
approximately 2,000
ohms. Reverse the
AN/PSM-6B leads,
and check for an
indication of infinity.
If meter indicates
2,000 ohms for both
measurements, check
diode CR2 for de-
fects. If meter in-
dicates infinity for
both measurements,
check resistors R3
CR2 for defects.
(8) Replace defective
b. Defective coupling capacitor
b. Replace capacitors C3 and
C3 or C4.
C4, if defective.
When the AN/GRM-
a. Defective two-tone mixer
a. Perform the following:
50 is connected to
circuit (diode CR1 and
(1) With no power or sig-
connector J3 or J4,
associated components).
nal inputs to the
mixer module, con-
nect the AN/PSM-
indicate mixer out-
6B between ter-
put level.
and ground. Make
sure the positive lead
of the AN/PSM-6B
is connected to ter-
minal E2.
(2) Check the AN/PSM-
indication of 2,000
ohms. Reverse the
AN/PSM-6B leads,
and check for an in-
dication of infinity.
If meter Indicates
approximately 2,000
ohms for both mea-
surements, check
diode CR1 for de
fects. If meter indi-
cates infinity for
both measurements,
check resistors R2
CR1 for defects.
(3) Replace defective com-