Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-1830-120008Differences in EquipmentComponents and DimensionsTable 1-1. Component and DimensionsFigure 1-1. Control, Test Set C-3495/APS-94D, less minor components.Figure 1-2. Interface Test, Radio Frequency TS-2975/APS-94D, less minor componentsFigure 1-3. Interface Test, Electronic Circuit Plug-In Unit TS-2976/APS-94D, less minor components.Table 1-3. Control, Test Set C-3495/APS-94D, Cable AssembliesTable 1-4 Interface Test,Electronic Circuit Plug-In Unit TS-2976/APS-94D, Cable AssembliesFigure 1-4. Test Set Groups, Radar OQ-64(V)1/APS-94D and OQ-64(V)2/APS- 94D, minor components.Figure 1-4. Test Set Groups, Radar OQ-64(V)1/APS-94D and OQ-64(V)2/APS- 94D, minor components - continuedchapter 2. INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-1830-120019Initial InstallationFigure 2-4. Interface Test, Radio frequency TS-2975/APS-94D metal lock spacerSection II. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-1830-120022Interface Test, Radio Freqeuncy TS-2975/APS-94D, controls, indicators, and jacksTable 2-3. Interface Test, Radio Freqeuncy TS-2975/APS-94D, controls, indicators, and jacksInterface Test, Electronic Circuit Plug-In Unit Table 2-4. Interface Test, Electronic Circuit Plug-In Unit - TM-11-6625-1830-120026Table 2-4. Interface Test, Electronic Circuit Plug-In Unit - TM-11-6625-1830-120027Table 2-4. Interface Test, Electronic Circuit Plug-In Unit - TM-11-6625-1830-120028Figure 2-5. Control, Test Set C-8495/APS-94D, controls, indicators, and jacks.Mounting Receiver-Transmitter, Radar RT-899/ASP-94D on interface Test, Radio Frequency TS-2975/APS-94D.Removal of Receiver-Transmitter Radar RT-899/APS-94D from Interface Test, Radio Frequency TS-5975/APS-94DFigure 2-8. Inteface Test Electronic Circuit Plug-In Unit TS-2976/APS-94D, Controls, indicators and jacksFigure 2-9. Test Set GroupsMounting Subassembly 2A1 to Interface Test, Radio Frequency TS- 2975/APS-94D and Receiver- Transmitter, Radar RT-889/APS-94D under testFigure 2-12. Mounting Subassembly 2A1 to Interface Test, Radio Frequency TS- 2975/APS-94D and Receiver- Transmitter, Radar RT-889/APS-94D under testPerformance Check - TM-11-6625-1830-120036Table 2-5. Module Test Set, Module Extender CablesChapter 3. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCleaning - TM-11-6625-1830-120039Section III. OPERATOR's TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-11-6625-1830-120040Removal and Replacement of Panel LightsChapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-1830-120042Touchup PaintingCable Continuity Check and Repair - TM-11-6625-1830-120044Chapter 5. SHIPMENT, LIMITED STORAGE, AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USESection II. DEMOLITION OF MATERIAL TO PREVENT ENEMY USEChapter 6. INTRODUCTIONTable 6-1. Common NamesFigure 6-1. Interface Test, Antenna Drive TS-2974/APS-94D, less minor components.Figure 6-2. Interface test, Antenna Drives TS-2974/APS-94D, Minor componentsChapter 7. INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSection II. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-1830-120052Table 7-1. Interface Test, Antenna Drive TS-294/ASP-94D, Controls, Indicators, and JacksFigure 7-2. Interface Test, Antenna Driver TS-2974/APS-94D, controls, indicators, and jacks.Performance Check - TM-11-6625-1830-120055Figure 7-5. Amplifier 4A1, test setup.Chapter 8. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection III. OPERATOR'S TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-11-6625-1830-120058Removal and Replacement of Panel LampsChapter 9. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCETouchup Painting InstructionsCable Continuity Check and Repair - TM-11-6625-1830-120062Chapter 10. SHIPMENT, STORAGE, AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USEReportingAppendix A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-1830-120065Appendix B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-11-6625-1830-120066Explanation of FormatSECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-6625-1830-120068SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120069SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120070SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120071SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120072SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120073SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120074SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120075SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120076SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120077SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120078SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120079SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120080SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120081SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120082SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120083SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120084SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-11-6625-1830-120085Table I. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT - TM-11-6625-1830-120086Table I. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT - continuedTable I. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT - TM-11-6625-1830-120088ENDMicroform test Target - TM-11-6625-1830-120092TM-11-6625-1830-12 Test Set Groups Radar OQ-64(V)1/APS-94D and OQ-94(V)2/APS-94D Manual