b. Basic Issue Items List (BIIL). BIIL deck, normal-
ly furnished to the depots by USAECOM BIIL Office,
General Policies and Principles for
AR 795-17
Lexington Blue Grass Army Depot, Lexington, Ky.
Furnishing Army Materiel on a
office symbol AMSEL-ME-NMP-MR-L, shall be used.
Grant Aid Basis.
c. Level A Packaging and Packing. Level A packag-
General Policies and Principles for
AR 795-204
ing and packing is mandatory for Foreign Military
Furnishing Defense Articles and
Sales and Grant Aid shipments.
Services on a Sale or Loan Basis.
d. Depot Documentation. Depot documentation of
DD Form 1513 Offer and Acceptance.
final acceptance shall be furnished the ECOM quality
Special terms, conditions, and agreements with the custo-
check team before ECOM inspection.
mer country and shown on the DD Form 1513 must be
complied with as well as any special instructions from the
responsible commodity command.