type 1 to prevent movement. Close cover and secure
C-1. Preservation and Packaging. Preservation
fasteners provided. No further packaging is required.
and packaging shall be level A or C as specified.
b. Level C. Each Radar Set AN/PPS-5 and AN/
a. Level A.
PPS-5A shall be preserved and packaged in a manner
(1) Cleaning. Cleaning shall be accomplished in
that will afford adequate protection against corro-
accordance with process C-1 of MIL-P-116.
(2) Drying. Drying shall be accomplished in ac-
from the supply source to the first receiving activity.
cordance with applicable procedure of MIL-P-116.
(3) Preservation application. None required.
C-2. Packing. Packing shall be level A, B, or C as
(4) Unit packaging. Unit packaging shall be in
accordance with the methods prescribed in MIL-P-
a. Level A and B. Radar Sets AN/PPS-5 and AN/
116 and as specified in this appendix.
PPS-5A shall be packed within a close-fitting fiber-
board box conforming to MIL-B-43291 or PPP-B-640,
(a) Technical literature. Each technical litera-
class weather-resistant. Place the technical litera-
ture shall be packaged in accordance with method
ture, packaged as specified earlier, in the box directly
under the lid of the box. Closure shall be as specified
(b) Packaging development. Each Radar Set
in the Appendix of the applicable box specification.
AN/PPS-5 and AN/PPS-5A shall be packaged indi-
b. Level C. Radar Sets AN/PPS-5 and AN/PPS-5A
vidually in accordance with method III of MIL-P-116.
shall be packed as in paragraph C-2a except that the
Packaging shall be developed in accordance with
fiberboard box shall be of the type, size, and kind
method III, using kinds and types of materials which,
when applied, will afford adequate protection against
commonly used for the purpose and shall comply
with rules and regulations of the common carrier
as applicable to the mode of transportation. Packing
wide shipment, handling, and storage. The container
shall be accomplished in a manner that will afford
of a method III package shall conform to the require-
adequate protection to the package and its content
ments of PPP-B-636, type CF, class weather-resis-
during shipment from the supply source to the first
tant. Place components of Radar Set AN/PPS-5 and
receiving activity.
AN/PPS-5A within the designated compartments
C-3. Inspection. Inspection of military packaging
of the carrying case CY-3872 ( )/PPS-5. Fill all voids
with corrugated paper conforming to PPP-P-291
shall be in accordance with MIL-P-116.
in terms of percent defective or defects per 100 units.
D-1. Index Number. The four-digit index number
whichever is applicable, specified for a given group
of this storage quality assurance provision (SQAP)
of defects of a product. It is the maximum allowable
(reserved for future use in automatic data processing)
accidental departure from specification require-
is to be assigned.
D.2. Federal Stock NUmber. Each item listed in
ments which can be tolerated.
c. Defect. Any nonconformance of the unit of
product with specified requirements.
ject to the provisions of this SQAP.
d. Defective Unit. A unit of product which con-
D-3. Definitions. Special terms used in this SQAP
tains one or more defects.
are defined as follows:
e. Critical Defect. A defect that judgement and
a. Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) The nominal
experience indicate is likely to result in hazardous
value expressed in terms of percent defective or de-
or unsafe conditions for individuals using, main-
fects per 100 units, whichever is applicable, specified
taining, or depending on the product performance of
for a given group of defects of product. It is the maxi-
the tactical function of a major end item, such as a
mum allowable accidental departure from specifica-
ship, aircraft, tank, missile, or space vehicle.
tion requirements which can be tolerated.
f. Major Defect. A defect other than critical that
b. Storage Quality Level (SQL). That quality level
could result in failure, or materially reduce the usa-
applicable to storage sampling inspection expressed