TM 11-5840-281-12-1
Single Runway Siting
Gca landing service can be provided to both ends of a single runway by locating radar set group mid- way between the
ends of the runway. In the figure above, the td point is located within the 30 normal scan (15 degrees left of rpl, 15
degrees right of rpl) of the azimuth antenna on both approaches. If the situation warrants, the azimuth scan may be
offset up to 10 degrees toward the runway for either one or both of the approaches to provide better landing approach
corridor coverage. If radar set group is located midway between the two td points, then the minimum and maximum
distances between td points are 800 feet (244 m) and 1,360 feet (415 m), respectively. The 800-foot (244 m) minimum
distance between td points Is obtained by taking the minimum distance from radar set group to td point of 400 feet (122
m) and doubling it. The 12,160-foot (3,708 m) maximum distance between td points is obtained by taking the maximum
distance from radar set group of 6,080 feet (1854 m) to td point and doubling it.
Parallel Runway Siting