TM 11-5840-281-12-1
Optimum parallel runway coverage is obtained when radar set group is located midway between the two runways. In this
case, the 30-degree normal scan of the azimuth antenna covers the td point and landing approach corridor for two
runways at a time (18R with 18L and 36L with 36R). In order for gca landing service to be provided for both ends of both
runways, the minimum and maximum distance separating the runways (measured from the clr) must be 200 feet (71 m)
and 1,500 feet (458 m), respectively. The 200-foot (71 m) minimum separation distance is obtained by doubling the
minimum offset distance of 100 feet (131 m). The 1,500-foot (458 m) maximum separation distance is obtained by
doubling the maximum offset distance of 750 feet (229 m). The minimum and maximum distances between touchdown
points are the same as the ones for single runway siting.
Multiple Runway Siting
If the runway layout forms a cross, radar set group may be located in any one of the four quadrants, as shown in the
figure above. Radar set will provide complete coverage for any one of the four possible approaches from all four of
these quadrants, providing that all equipment siting limits are met.
When the runway layout forms a triangle, the radar site location shown above is the only one that will provide complete
coverage to any one of the six possible approaches. This is true providing that all equipment siting limits are met.