TM 11-5840-281-35/1
c. Procedure.
Control settings
Step No. Test equipment Equipment under test
Test procedure
Performance standard
Screws, bolts, and nuts
Inspect mechanical assemblies of
must be tight; none miss-
radar set group for loose mount-
ing. All mechanical as-
ings and loose or missing screws,
1 ---------------- None ------------------------
semblies securely
bolts, and nuts.
a. No evidence of damage
a. Inspect Antenna Drive TO-
2 ---------------- None ------------------------
to mechanical unit: no
113/TPN- and Antenna
bends, warps, dents, or
Drive TG-114/TPN-8 for
oil leaks. No unusual
mechanical fitnes, oil leaks,
noises or mechanical
and adequate lubrication.
binding of moving parts
b. Inspect lubricating oil level in
b. Lubricant drains from
Antenna Drive TG-11/TPN-
level-check plug hole.
8 and Antenna Drive TG-114/
TPN-18 by momentarily re-
moving level-check plugs
(refer to TM 11-5840-281-
12, para S9).
a. No evidence of damage.
a. Inspect elevation Antenna
3 ------------------ None ------------------------
No attaching hardware,
AS-1291/TPN-8 and
waveguide quick-dis-
azimuth Antenna AS-1292/
connects, or retaining
TPN4 for mechanical fitness.
pins or clips miming.
b. No holes, punctures, or
b. Inspect reflecting surfaces
evidence of damage to
reflective surfaces of
Antenna AS-1291/
TPN-8 and Antenna
a. External waveguides,
a. Inspect external waveguides,
4 ------------------ None ------------------------
cables, and cable con-
cables, and cable connectors
nectors are tight and
on radar set group for me-
properly connected.
chanical fitness and proper
b. Cable and waveguide
b. Inspect cable and waveguide
dust covers clipped in
place to prevent flailing
1292/TPN-8, Antenna Drive
TG-ll/TPN-8 and Antenna
Drive TG-114/TPN-8.
a. Color of dehydrator
5 ------------------ None ------------------------
cartridge moisture indi-
ridges MP8505 installed in 8
cator is blue.
waveguide adapters MPS501
for color indication.
b. Waveguide adapters in-
b. Inspect S waveguide adapters
MS8501 for proper installation.
cartridges facing down,
except for one installed
on right elevation
rotary coupler, which is
Strap clamps MP8508 and
Inspect S strap clamps MPS508
6 ------------------ None ------------------------
6 attaching strap clamp
and 6 strap clamp screws
screws are tight. Thread
MP6508H6 for mechanical
of strap clamp screws are
fitness and proper installation.
not burred and are lightly