TM 11-5840-281-35/1
Control settings
Step No. Test equipment Equipment under test
Test procedure
Performance standard
c. Indication on differential
voltmeter is equal to
position A, B, C, D, and E
current reading stamped
controls to obtain null.
on azimuth attenuator
NOTE. If indication is not
AT102 plus 100 ma,
correct, refer to TM 114840-281-
times 10.
Example: Reading
stamped on azimuth
attenuator AT102 = 500
MA (500+100) 10=
6000 mv = 6v.
d. Disconnect differential volt-
d. None.
meter test leads.
a. By manually moving the eleva-
a. None.
As last indicated------
RANGE: 30v
azimuth antenna to 0 as indi-
cated on azimuth scan pro-
tractor (center of azimuth scan).
b. Connect vtvm COMMON test
b. None.
lead to chassis ground.
c. Connect vtvm DC test lead to
c. 0 vdc indication on vtvm
(this is the azimuth
TP4003 on Remote Switching
Control C-6989/TPN-18.
Observe vtvm indication.
a. Manually position elevation
Differential voltmeter As last
a. None.
NULL: VTVM, 10 to 1
mid scan position.
in progressive steps.
b. None.
A, B, C, D, E: as required
negative (-) test lead to
ATTEN CUR (-) testpoint
TP4005 on Remote Switching
Control C-6989/TPN-18.
c. None.
positive (+) test lead to
ATTEN CUR (+) testpoint
TP40006 on Remote Switching
Control C-6989/TPN-18.
d. Indication on differential
position A, B, C, D, and E
voltmeter is equal to 10
controls to obtain null.
times current reading
stamped on elevation
attenuator AT101 plus
100 ma. Refer to step
2c above for example.
e. Disconnect differential volt-
e. None.
meter test leads.
a. Connect vtvm COMMON
a. None.
6 Vtvm
As last indicated,
test lead to chassis ground.
b. Connect vtvm DC test lead
b. 0 vdc indication on
Master Pulse
RANGE: 10v
point TP4005 on Remote
Switching Control C-6989/
TPN-18. Observe vtvm
c. Disconnect vtvm test leads------
c. None.