TM 11-5840-281-35/1
Control settings
Step No. Test equipment Equipment under test
Test procedure
Performance standard
a. None.
a. Connect differential volt-
3 As last indicated, except:
As last
meter positive (+) test lead to
indicated --
35v testpoint TP3404 on 35v
voltage regulator.
b. +35 vdc.
b. On 35v voltage regulator, ad-
Polarity: +
just +35v ADJ control
R3414 for +35v as indicated
on differential voltmeter.
c. None.
c. Disconnect positive (+) test
lead from 35v voltage regulator
a. None.
As last
positive (+) test lead to
RANGE: 500
indicated --
+ 100v testpoint TP4402 on
A: 1
100-volt Power Supply
B: 0
C: 0
b. +100 vdc.
b. On 100-volt Power Supply
D: 0
PP-3381/TPN-8, adjust 100
E: 0
V ADJ control R4402 for
+100v as indicated on dif-
ferential voltmeter.
c. None.
c. Disconnect differential volt-
meter positive (+) test lead
from 100-volt Power Supply
a. None.
5 As last indicated, except:
As last
positive (+) test lead to
A: 2
indicated --
+200v testpoint TP4302 on
200-volt Power Supply PP-
b. +200 vdc.
b. On 200-volt Power Supply
PP-3382/TPN-8, adjust 200v
ADJ control R4302 for +200v
as indicated on differential
c. None.
positive (+) test lead from
+200v testpoint TP4302 and
connect to -200v testpoint
TP4303 on 200-volt Power
Supply PP-3382/TPN-8.
d. -190 vdc mln, -210
d. On differential voltmeter,
vdc max.
operate polarity switch to -,
adjust A, B, C, D, and E
switches for a null on meter.
Observe indication on switches.
e. None.
e. Disconnect differential volt-
meter test leads.
a. -870 vdc min, -970
a. Connect vtvm COMMON test
As last
vdc max.
lead to chassis ground and
indicated --
DC test lead to junction of
R108 and R109 on Radar
818/TPN-18 (standoff above
V2). Observe vtvm indication.
b. Disconnect vtvm test leads ---------------
b. None.