TM 11-5840-281-35/1
d. Surveillance Flight Tests. Surveillance flight tests
participating in the flight tests. If it is necessary to move
or relocate any of the target reflectors, the complete
(inspections) are unscheduled flight tests accomplished
system alignment should be verified
on commissioned facilities by the flight test agency for
d. Associated Iff Equipment Antenna Alignment
the purpose of determining that the performance of the
Verification. If Radar Set AN/TPN-18 is used with an
facility, system, or component thereof, continues to meet
the applicable standards established at the time of the
associated iff equipment, determine that the iff and radar
commissioning flight test and by TM 11-2557-25
equipments are synchronized and the iff and radar video
returns track in azimuth and range
e. Cursor Alignment Verification. Determine that the
4-26. Requests for Flight Tests
glidepath, courseline, and height finder cursors are
aligned correctly. Refer to TM 115840-281-12 for cursor
Requests for a commissioning or special flight test are
alignments and checks. To reduce alignment and
initiated by the Commanding Officer or his designated
adjustment time during flight tests, insure that both
representative and are directed to the flight test agency
glidepath cursors and both courseline cursors are
(Federal Aviation Agency). Requests are not required for
aligned on both Control-Indicators C-6988/TPN-18 if both
periodic flight tests. A request for a flight test should not
sets of cursors are to be used in operations
be initiated until it is determined that the complete facility
f. Range Mark Accuracy Verification. Verify that the
(radar equipment, associated iff equipment, radio
range marks are accurate on both Control-Indicators C-
available, aligned, and operating normally. Generally,
the flight test agency will provide advance notice of the
that all radio, intercom, and landline communication
equipments are operational. If the theodolite method is
but may or may not provide advance notice for periodic
used, two-way radio communication facilities are
or special flight tests
required between the theodolite operator (member of
flight test crew), flight test aircraft, and the facility under
4 27. Preliminary Preparations for Flight Tests
test. This two-way radio communication equipment is
usually provided by the flight test crew
In the interest of making efficient flight tests, certain
h. Pending Equipment Modifications and Changes.
preliminary preparations are required of operator and
When possible, all pending major equipment
maintenance personnel.
Such preparation should
modifications and changes which require special flight
include the items in a through k below
tests should be accomplished prior to the periodic flight
Radar Set Group Siting and Orientation
test, to reduce number of required flight tests
Verification. Determine that the radar set group is
i. Standby Power Equipment. Insure that standby
properly sited and that it is aligned to the runway which is
power equipment is operational. The standby power
to be used in the flight test. Refer to TM 11-5840-281-12
capability and adequacy is always checked during a
for siting information and instructions for aligning
(orienting) the radar set group to the runway
checked during subsequent periodic flight tests
b. Radar Set Group Level Verification. Insure that
j. Preliminary Flight Tests with Local Aircraft. Prior to
the radar set group is level. The radar set group, if not
the official flight test, local aircraft should be used, when
level, will adversely affect all flight test results. The level
available, to verify equipment alignment, accuracies, and
of the radar set group is especially important to
k. Data Required at Time of Official Flight Test. The
used to establish standards for the facility, for use in
facility to be flight tested should have a detailed list of the
subsequent flight tests
operational requirements of the
c. Radar Target Simulator Siting Verification. Insure
that the radar target simulators (target reflectors) are
positioned correctly in their proper locations. Determine
that the radar returns from 'the target reflectors are
readily identifiable by the radar operators who will be