TM 11-5840-281-35/1
or with the indicated bearings of the radar targets and iff
and accuracy of control to touchdown point. Appropriate
targets (when applicable) during the surveillance phase,
remarks regarding radar operator performance are
the equipment siting can be considered adequate from a
entered on the official flight test report. Simulated
facility operational viewpoint.
If problems are
emergency conditions are normally introduced singly, or
encountered in these areas which cannot be corrected
in combination, and the radar operator's ability to analyze
by normal equipment adjustments and alignments, the
the situation and revise original instructions is evaluated.
equipment siting is suspect.
Some of the emergencies introduced are listed in (1)
through (4) below.
Tolerances and Time Intervals
Flight Tests
Engine failure
Refer to TM 11-2557-25 and applicable changes for the
tolerances and criteria which the facility flight test results
approach" procedure evaluation)
must meet and the time intervals between the various
types of flight tests.
h. Siting Accuracy. If no difficulties are encountered
with the azimuth courseline check during the par phase