TM 11-5840-281-35/1
facility. This list should include the facility coordinates,
4-30. Postflight Actions and Reports
the coverage desired, magnetic headings and elevations
of applicable runways with glidepath angles, holding
a. General. A discussion period between flight test
pattern locations, ground controlled approach (gca)
personnel and facility personnel is usually conducted
procedures, missed-approach procedures, approach and
upon completion of the flight test. For official flight tests
departure procedures, and the names, distances to, and
conducted by the flight test agency, the decision for need
coordinates of other related navigation aids and fixes. A
of such discussions rests with the flight test inspector. A
list should also be compiled of any special information
postflight discussion may be requested at any time,
that may be desired and obtained by the flight test, such
however, by the designated authority with cognizance of
as radio coverage or blind area checks. Copies of any
the facility. The flight test inspector evaluates the data
previous flight tests of the facility concerned should be
resulting from the flight test, determines the status of the
obtained and made available for comparison and
facility as specified in TM 112557-25, and, when
applicable, prescribes the issuance or cancellation of
appropriate notices to airmen (NOTAMS) to the Base
4-28. Adjustments During Flight Tests
b. Report on Military Facilities. A flight test report will
During flight tests, maintenance personnel may be
be furnished the Base Commander immediately on
required to make certain adjustments on the equipment
completion of inspection of a military facility when the
to correct an out-of-tolerance condition. During periodic,
flight test (inspection) has resulted in any change to
surveillance, and certain special flight tests, adjustments
facility status classification or operational restrictions to
to a facility which is operating within tolerances normally
the use of the facility. The report will be submitted on the
will not be requested. Maintenance personnel will be
flight inspection report form applicable to the type of
advised, however, of conditions which approach
facility inspected. This report may serve either as an
tolerance limits. Normally, flight test personnel are not
interim or final report; however, in either case, a facility
expected to diagnose troubles, but they are required to
classification status will be assigned.
If the flight
furnish sufficient information to enable maintenance
inspection is incomplete, or is complete but pertinent
personnel to make the proper adjustments while the
information is lacking due to necessary further
aircraft is airborne. All items of facility performance that
processing of data, the report may be interim. In such
could be affected by these adjustments must be
cases, this interim report will serve as a record of the
rechecked prior to flight test completion.
flight inspection pending receipt of the final report which
certification of a facility or assignment of a status
will be disseminated according to established
classification by the flight test agency is based on the
procedures. When the results of the flight inspection
final condition of the facility upon completion of the flight
indicate there has been no essential change in facility
performance, there is no requirement to furnish a report
immediately upon completion of the inspection unless
the Base Commander so requests. When a written
4-29. Signal Strength or Target Brilliance Reporting
report is not furnished, ground technicians will be notified
by radio or telephone when discussion is not practicable.
The standard for determining signal strength or target
In such case, a formal report will be forwarded to-the
brilliance defined in TM 11-2557-25 is listed in the chart
Base Commander as soon as practical
below. Signal strength reporting during the flight test will
be in accordance with this chart
4-31. Surveillance Phase of Flight Tests
Leaves definite trail
The primary objectives of the
Target persists from scan to
surveillance flight test are to determine the coverage
scan; weak or no trail
characteristics of the AN/TPN-18 surveillance (search)
Shows each scan; no
capability and the system accuracies throughout the area
persistence. Usable
to be served.
Target barely visible;
associated iff equipment, operational features such as
possible miss. Not
No visible target