TM 11-5841-291-12
(6) Release trigger switch and check
d. SAM Receiver Threshold Test
with the other technician that
(Low Pass Filter not in Circuit). Perform
indicator light goes out and
procedures listed below.
that warning tone stops.
(7) Repeat steps (2) through (6)
above at other input rf connector
On aircraft where low pass filter
on SAM receiver.
is not connected in the rf path
receiver, use this procedure to
test receiver threshold level.
Consult aircraft technical man-
ual to find out where receiver
is located. Then, disconnect
input rf connectors on
Make test connections shown
here to one of the input rf
connectors on receiver and
RF TEST jack on gun. Con-
nect 50-ohm termination to
other rf connector on receiver.
termination are components of
Simulator, Radar Signal SM-756/
(3) Ask technician in cockpit to
make sure that system's circuit
breaker is turned on (closed)
and that POWER switch on
control unit is set to ON.
e. AI Receiver Threshold Test.
Perform procedures listed below.
Check and adjust position of cock-
Consult aircraft technical man-
pit dimmer control for visible
ual to find out where AI re-
edge lighting and alert indicator.
ceiver is located. Then, dis-
connect AI antenna rf cables
(4) Set gun's function switch to
at the input rf connectors on
AI receiver.
(5) Squeeze gun's trigger switch
and observe that meter indicates
Make test connections shown
between -2 and +2 dB. At this
here to one of the input rf
connectors on AI receiver and
time, ask the technician in cock-
RF TEST jack on gun. Connect
pit to verify that SAM indicator
50-ohm termination to other rf
light is on and that warning
connector on receiver.
tone can be heard in the headset.