TM 11-6625-1830-12
1-6. Technical Characteristics
and OQ-64(V)/APS-94D, are service and
r RT-899/APS-94D. These test units sup-
Input power
ply the required voltages and signals (normally
Alternating current - - - - 115 5.0 volt alternating
current, 400 Hx, 3-
supplied by the Processor, R a d a r S i g n a l C M -
phase, 4 wire, 0.5k
374/APS-94D) to operate Receiver-Transmitter
Radar RT-899/APS-94D or individual modules,
current 160 watts.
connected for bench testing. Interface Test, An-
tenna Drive TS-2974/APS-94D, a part of Test
Set Groups, Radar OQ-64(V)1/APS-94D and
OQ-64(V)2/APS-94D, is a service and trouble-
shooting aid for Antenna AS-2199/APS-94D
and Interconnecting Box J-2794/APS-94D. The
Modulator trigger ------------ Pulse repetition frequency
TS-2974/APS-94D unit supplies the required
(see TM 11-5895-
578-34 (when
and functional operation tests of the unite under
Pulse width: 400 100
Pulse amplitude: -4 0.75
volts from 0 0.75
b. Use. Test Set Groups, Radar OQ-64(V)1/
APS-94D and OQ-64(V)2/APS-94D, with the
Dead time gate ------Pulse repetition frequency
aid of ancillary test equipment, are used to verify
(see TM 11-5895-
578-34 (when
proper or improper operation of Receiver-Trans-
mitter, Radar RT-899/APS-94D, Antenna AS-
Pulse width: 409.6 20
2199/APS-94D, and Interconnecting
Pulse amplitude: +4 0.75
2794/APS-94D. Also, it is used as an aid to
volts to -4 0.75
maintenance personnel in' troubleshooting, ad-
justment, and alignment of the above AN/APS-
5.9 0.2 pulse-per-
94D components.
second, with PRF
switch set to
1-5. Differences in
Duty cycle: 50% 10%
for each gate.
Test Set Group, Radar QQ-64(V)1/APS-94D
Pulse amplitude: +4.0
consists of Control, Test Set C-8495/APS-94D,
0.75 volts to -4
Interface Test, Radio Frequency TS-2975/APS-
0.76 Volta
A n t e n n a t r i g g e r - - -Pulse repetition frequency:
94D, and Interface Test, Antenna Drive 2974/
11.8 0.4 pulses-per
APS-94D. Test Set Group, Radar OQ-64(V_2/
second, with PRF
APS-94D consists of Control, Test Set C-8495/
switch set to
APS-94D, Interface Test, Radio Frequency TS-
Pulse width: 409.6 20
2975/APS-94D, Interface Test, Electronic Cir-
Pulse amplitude: -4 0.75
cuit Plug-In TS-2976/APS-94D, and Interface
volts from 0.75
`Test, Antenna Drive TS-2974/APS-94D. Part
me of this manual describes Test Set Groups,
1 second mark ------------ Pulse repetition frequency:
1 pulse-per-second
(V)1/APS-94D and OQ-64(V)2/
0.1 pulse-per
Interface Test, Antenna Drive
Duty cycle: 50% 10%
T S - 2 9 7 4 / A P S - 9 4 D . Part two describes Interface
per each one second
, a part
Pulse amplitude: -4
of Test Set Groups, Radar
0.75 volts to +4
0.75 volts.