TM 11-5841-287-30
General Information
Functional Description
The data transmitting set, when used in conjunction with
Radar Surveillance Set AN/APS-94F (radar set),
The data transmitting set consists of two main
provides near realtime radar imagery transmission to
subsystems encoding subsystem and transmitting
geographically dispersed ground stations The data
subsystem Figure 2-1 provides applicable block diagram
transmitting set transmits over a frequency range of 225
to 400 MHz, utilizing frequency modulation-frequency
shift keying (FM-FSK) carrier modulation The data
subsystem consists of an encoder and data link control.
transmission bit rate is 41 6 kilobits/second and the
The encoder receives the MT and FT radar video signals
maximum bandwidth is 60 kHz The data transmitting set
from the radar set, which it processes into digitally
receives input data consisting of moving target (MT) and
encoded serial bit stream The encoder also receives
fixed target (FT) radar video signals, radar mode data,
radar mode and ADAS data, which is processed along
and ADAS (airborne data annotation system) data from
with the radar video data for incorporation in the serial
the associated radar set Before application to the data
data stream To accomplish this variety of data
transmitting set, preprocessing of the MT video data is
processing and encoding, the encoder incorporates
performed for purposes of extracting the fixed target
automatic data processing circuitry which implements
residue components Re-introduction of FT residue is
program instructions stored in resident memory The data
performed by the ground station, which results in
link control interfaces with the encoder to provide
improved residue quality and independent residue
centralized control facilities for operational/BITE mode
control Automatic self testing capability provided by built-
selection and display facilities for indicating BITE
in test equipment (BITE) is incorporated in the data
transmitting set This feature enables the operator to
transmitting subsystem consists of a uhf receiver-
determine go/no-go status of the system prior to use, as
well as facilitating system level maintenance.
transmitter is used for transmitting encoded data (to the
Figure 2-1. Data transmitting set block diagram
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