TM 11-6625-1820-12
crate with its contents, for the rf test set, is shown
and 2-2)
in figure 2-2.
a. Packaging Data. When packed for shipment
b. Unpacking Instructions.
or limited storage, each unit of Test Set Groups,
Radar OQ-64(V)1/APS-94D a n d O Q - 6 4 ( V ) 2 /
Do not attempt to pry off the top and
APS-94D is packed in a separate crate. Each unit
sides of the cleated plywood shipping
is packaged in a separate cleated plywood ship-p
crate. Prying may damage the equip-
ping crate that is reinforced with metal strapping.
The complete shipping crate dimensions, weight
(1) Cut the metal straps from around the
and volume of each and each packaged unit are listed in
plywood shipping crate.
table 2-1. A typical shipping crate with its con-
(2) Remove the nails from the top and sides
tents, for the control unit and the module test
of the shipping crate.
set, is shown in figure 2-1. A typical shipping
check the equipment against the items listed in
(8) Spread the side covers of the shipping
crate to provide working space.
table l-l. Report all discrepancies (paragraph 1-
(4) Remove the foam corner blocks and cor-
fiberboard liners from around the unit.
Shortage of a minor assembly or a part
that does not affect proper function-
ing of the equipment should not prevent
use of the equipment.
b. Checking Equipment for Damage. Check
(6) Obtain assistance and remove the unit
the equipment for damage incurred during ship
ment. If the equipment was improperly packaged,
or damaged, report the difficulty on DD Form 6
or (DISREP (SF 361) ), as pertinent.
c . C h e c k i n g E q u i p m e n t f o r M o d i f i c a t i o n s . If
2-2. Checking
Unpacked Equipment
the equipment has been used or reconditioned,
see whether it has been changed by a modifica-
tion work order (MWO). If the equipment has