TM 11-6625-1830-12
4-2. Tools, Test Equipment, and Materials
4-1. Scope of
Organizational maintenance duties are listed be-
The following tools, test equipment, and materi-
low together with a reference to the paragraphs
als are required for organizational maintenance.
covering Me specific maintenance function/
a. Monthly preventive maintenance checks and
Sandpaper (fine)
services (para 4-4).
Electrical tape (black plastic)
Paint brush
b. Quarterly preventive maintenance checks
Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment TK-101/G
and services (para 44).
c. Touchup painting (para 4-5).
Primer, color f per MIL-P-8585
d. Troubleshooting (para 4-8).
Enamel, light gray type III, class 2 per
e. Repairs (para 4-9).
and services should be performed at 15-day in-
tervals. Adjustment of the maintenance interval
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,
must be made to compensate for any unusual
servicing, and inspection of equipment to prevent
operating conditions. The requirement for month-
the occurrence of trouble, to reduce downtime,
ly and or quarterly preventive maintenance
and to assure that the equipment is serviceable.
checks and services is not limited to equipment
The contents of paragraph 3-3 apply to organiza-
in everyday use. These preventive maintenance
tional preventive maintenance as well as to oper-
checks and services must also be performed on
ator's preventive maintenance.
equipment maintained in a standby (ready for im-
mediate operation) condition. Equipment in
4-4. Organizational Preventive Maintenance
limited storage, which requires servicing before
Checks and Service Periods
operation, does not require monthly and or
quarterly maintenance. Operator's and monthly
Perform the maintenance
preventive maintenance checks and services con-
the monthly (b below) or
stitute a part of the quarterly preventive
preventive maintenance
maintenance checks and services and must be
performed concurrently. All deficiencies will be
recorded in accordance with the requirements of
TM 38-750.