TM 11-6625-1830-12
been modified, the MWO number(s) will appear
b. Checking Equipment for Damage. Inspect
on the unit near the nomenclature plate, Check
the equipment for damage incurred during ship-
to see whether the modified equipments are
ment If the equipment was improperly packaged,
covered in the manual.
or damaged, report the difficulty on DD Form 6
or DISREP (SF 361), as pertinent
c . C h e c k i n g E q u i p m e n t f o r M o d i f i c a t i o n s . If
This manual does not include Modifica-
the equipment has been used or reconditioned,
tion Work Orders (MWO) for the
see whether it has been changed by a modifica-
tion work order (MWO). If the equipment has
7-4. Preliminary Operating Procedure
7-3. Interface Test, Antenna Drive
APS-94D Controls, Indicators, and Jacks
a. Antenna and Interconnecting Box.. Perform
(fig. 7-2)
the preliminary procedures listed below before
connecting the equipment to test the antenna
Table 7-1 lists the Interface Teat, Antenna Drive
(fig. 7-3) or interconnecting box (fig. 7-4).
TS-2974/APS-94D controls, indicators, and jacks
and gives a brief functional description of each
item. The controls, indicators, and jacks arc illus-
trated in figure 7-2.
and Jacks