TM 11-5840-281-12-1
The blanked section (10) In the range marks represents the tilt position of the azimuth antenna.
10. Check that the touchdown range mark (11) passes through the leading edge of the target reflector (12) in the
elevation displays on both control-indicators.
11. Accurately set ART ANGLE V control dial (13) on both control-indicators to the td setting recorded during
12. Momentarily place ANGLE VOLTS switch (14) on both control-indicators to EL position, then back to
OPERATE position. (The artificial sweep (15) will appear on the elevation display when the ANGLE VOLTS
switch (14) is placed in the EL position.) Check that the elevation cursor (16) intersects the target reflector
(12) where the artificial sweep trace (15) intersects the target
13. Accurately set ART ANGLE V control dial (13) on both control-indicators to the 5-mile intercept (gp setting)
recorded during the initial circuit alinement.
14. Momentarily place ANGLE VOLTS switch (14) on both control-indicators to EL position and then back to
OPERATE position. Check that the elevation cursor (16) intersects the 5-mile range mark (17) where the
artificial sweep trace (15) crosses the 5-mile range mark (17).