TM 11-5840-281-12-1
The azimuth, elevation, and height finder cursors must be properly alined before using them to direct aircraft. The
operator should perform these checks each day before operating the equipment. If the cursors are not properly alined,
the appropriate cursor alinements (para 4-28) should be performed. Perform checks on both master and slave control-
When not In operation, perform Preliminary Control Settings (para 2-4) and
Preliminary Operating Procedures (para 2-5), omitting scan and video
presentation checks, to place the radar set in operation.
1. Place SCAN MODE switch (1) on both control-indicators to NORM position.
2. Place SCAN switch (2) on master to ON position.
3. Place ANGLE VOLTS switch (3) on both control-indicators to OPERATE position.
4. Place RANGE MILES switch (4) on both control-indicators to 10 position.
5. Adjust IF GAIN AZ control (5) on master control-indicator to desired level.
6. Place TRANSMITTER switch (6) on master to WIDE PLS or NAR PLS position.
7. Press HV ON switch (7) on master. HV ON indicator in switch will light on both control
8. Use ANTENNA switch (8) on master to position azimuth antenna.