TM 11-5840-360-14-1-1
5. Inspect the damaged wafer for presence of
1. Remove unit cover by loosening the 6 captive
jumper wires to terminals of adjacent wafers; note the
wafers and terminals jumpered. Install new jumper
2. Disconnect the wires from PS1, noting hook-up
wires between the noted terminals of the adjacent
wafers and the selected spare wafer. Discard the
3. Remove the seven screws attaching the power
original jumper wires.
supply to the cabinet and lift the power supply out of the
6. Inspect the damaged wafer for presence of
wires to component board A1; note the wafer terminals
4. Reinstall using the reverse of above.
and component board connection points. Connect new
wires between the component board connection points Relays K1, K2 and K3.
and the noted terminals on the selected spare wafer.
1. Remove unit cover by loosening the 6, captive
Discard the original wires.
7. Inspect the damaged wafer for presence of
2. Push the spring retainer to the side and remove
connections from external cables.
Disconnect the
the relay from the socket.
external cables wires from the damaged wafer terminals
3. Reinstall in reverse of above.
(one at a time) and reconnect at the same terminals on
the selected spare wafer.
1. Remove unit cover by loosening the 6 captive
All wire connections and all straps
(except those to adjacent wafers)
2. Remove the screws attaching the chassis/TB
should now have been removed from
board assembly to the case and lift the assembly up.
the damaged wafer.
Change the
3. Diode CR1 is located on the under side of the
schematic to correspond to the new
chassis/TB assembly and attached to the terminals of
the relay socket of K3. Note polarity upon removal.
4. Reinstall in the reverse of above.
5.14 INTERFACE UNIT J-3463 (V2) Lamps. -
related subparagraphs provide corrective maintenance
1. Remove unit cover by loosening the 6 captive
information for the Interface Unit J-3463 (Antenna
screws as removal of DS1 lamp necessitates the
Junction Box). The information includes troubleshooting
removal of the control cover for access to the soldered
instructions (5.14.1), removal and replacement
2. Lamps DS2 and DS3 are accessible by
The locations of assemblies and major components
unscrewing the lamp domes on the outer case control
Schematic diagrams, parts list tables and assembly
3. Reinstall using the reverse of above.
drawings applicable to the Interface Unit are contained
in Section 6.6 of Chapter 6.
5.14.3 Power Supply Adjustment (V2)
Access to the assemblies and components
within the Interface Unit J-3463 is provided by loosening
the captive screws on the front cover and removing the
Current Limit control R2 is factory
set and should not be adjusted in the
5.14.1 Troubleshooting Procedure (V2)
Fault isolation within the Interface Unit J-3463 is
1. Set POWER switch to OFF.
2. Remove front access cover.
Troubleshooting information for Wave Guide Switch SA-
between TB5-2 (positive lead) and TB5-4.
4. Set POWER switch to ON.
5. Adjust R13 on power supply assembly PS1 to
5.14.2 Removal/Replacement Procedures
obtain +28.0 0.5 Vdc reading on multimeter. Power Supply PS1. -
6. Set POWER switch to OFF.