TM 11-6625-1830-12
b. Packaging. Package the test set as outli
10-1. Disassembly of
below. Refer to figure 7-1.
Prepare the test set for shipment limited
(1) Make sure the procedures l
storage as follow:
paragraph 10-1 have bean completed.
a. Disconnect all test cables, coil them, and
(2) Place four foam comer blocks and one
tie them with cotton twine.
or more corrugated fiberboard liners in bottom
b. Place cable assemblies W1 through W9 in
of cleated-plywood box.
storage compartment of test set case under the
( 3 ) P l a c e t e s t s e t in cleated-plywood box.
inner door. Fill any empty spaces with soft
(4) Use remaining four foam comer blocks
and corrugated fiberboard liners
uired to
c. Place the technical manual on top of the
restrict any free movement of th
cables before closing the inner door.
d. Close and sure the inner door by fasten-
ing the three pushbutton fasteners.
e. Place the top half of the case containing the
cables and the technical manual on the test set
and fasten the eight latches. Be sure the top
half is evenly seated so the gasket will be tight
all the way around and render the case water-
10-2. Repackaging for S h i p m e n t o r L i m i t e d
a. General The exact procedure for repackag-
ing depends on the mate
available and the con-
ditions under which the equipment is to be
shipped or stored. Adapt the procedures outlined
below whenever circumstances permit. The infor-
mation concerning the original packaging (para
7-1) will also be helpful. Also, use the original
packing materials, if available,
as described below. If the
shipping box and packing
to the dimensions given in table 10-1.
10-4. Methods of
10-3. Authority for
Demolition of the