TM 11-5840-281-35/1
(40) Remove three rim clamps (118) and synchro
(46) Remove two nuts (136), screws (137), flat
washers (138), and switch (139) from switch bracket
flat washers (123), and gasket (124).
(47) Remove two nuts (141), Crews (142), flat
(42) Remove three nuts (125), flat washers (126),
washers (148), and switch (144) from switch bracket
and setscrews (127) from switch adjustment block (128).
(48) Remove two nuts (146), screws (147), flat
and flat washers (131).
washers (148), and switch (149) from switch bracket
and flat washers (134).
(49) Loosen seven fasteners (151) then remove
(45) Separate the three switch assemblies from
cover (152) and gasket (158).
angle bracket (135).
Remove three rim clamps (154), varia-
Figure 5-13. Elevation Antenna Drive TG-114/TPN-8, exploded view (sheet 1 of 3).